Henry II 'The Blonde' Count of Luxembourg1,2,3
M, b. 1217, d. 24 November 1281
Henry II 'The Blonde' Count of Luxembourg was born in 1217 at Luxemburg
.2 He married Marguerite de Bar on 4 June 1240.4 Henry II 'The Blonde' Count of Luxembourg died on 24 November 1281 at Namur, Belgium

Children of Henry II 'The Blonde' Count of Luxembourg and Marguerite de Bar
- Valeran I de Luxembourg Comte Ligny & Roussy+ b. c 1245, d. 5 Jun 1288
- Isabel de Luxembourg Dame de Namur+ b. c 1248, d. 25 Sep 1298
- Philippa de Luxembourg+ b. c 1255, d. 1311
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S236] Unknown author, Leo's Genealogics Website (Leo van de Pas), www.genealogics.org, Heinrich II 'The Blonde' Graf von Luxembourg & Namur.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 5.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 166.
Marguerite de Bar1,2
F, b. circa 1222, d. 23 November 1275
Marguerite de Bar was born circa 1222 at Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, Argonne/Lorraine, France
. She married Henry II 'The Blonde' Count of Luxembourg on 4 June 1240.3 Marguerite de Bar died on 23 November 1275.1

Children of Marguerite de Bar and Henry II 'The Blonde' Count of Luxembourg
- Valeran I de Luxembourg Comte Ligny & Roussy+ b. c 1245, d. 5 Jun 1288
- Isabel de Luxembourg Dame de Namur+ b. c 1248, d. 25 Sep 1298
- Philippa de Luxembourg+ b. c 1255, d. 1311
John I d' Avesnes Count of Holland1,2,3
M, b. 1 May 1218, d. 24 December 1257
John I d' Avesnes Count of Holland was buried at Valenciennes, Nord, France
.4 He was born on 1 May 1218 at Oizy, Namur, Belgium
.2 He was the son of Bouchard d' Avesnes Archdeacon of Laon and Margaret Countess of Hainault & Flanders. John I d' Avesnes Count of Holland married Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland in September 1246 at Frankfort m Main, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
.4 John I d' Avesnes Count of Holland died on 24 December 1257 at age 39.2,3

Child of John I d' Avesnes Count of Holland and Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland
- John II d' Avesnes , Count of Hainault+ b. 1247, d. 22 Aug 1304
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, John Ravilious (Therav3), 8 Oct 2002.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 5.
- [S232] Unknown author, 6 zip files containing Monarchs.ged downloaded end 1999 by Linda Neely.
Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland1,2,3
F, b. circa 1228, d. 9 April 1283
Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland was born circa 1225 at Netherlands
.4 She was born circa 1228 at 's-Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
. She married John I d' Avesnes Count of Holland, son of Bouchard d' Avesnes Archdeacon of Laon and Margaret Countess of Hainault & Flanders, in September 1246 at Frankfort m Main, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
.5 Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland married an unknown person on 9 October 1246.2 She died on 9 April 1283 at Valenciennes, Nord, France
Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland was also known as Aleid House of Holland.

Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland was also known as Aleid House of Holland.
Child of Adelaide (Aleidis) of Holland and John I d' Avesnes Count of Holland
- John II d' Avesnes , Count of Hainault+ b. 1247, d. 22 Aug 1304
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, John Ravilious (Therav3), 8 Oct 2002.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 5.
- [S237] LAYNEJAYNE <, LAYNEJAYNE@@aol.com>, solidgold4 <, solidgold4@@aol.com>, jercty31 < and jercty31@@aol.com>, New England Families to Royalty GEDCOM inported 7 NOV 1999 by LindaJoyce Neely.
- [S232] Unknown author, 6 zip files containing Monarchs.ged downloaded end 1999 by Linda Neely.
Edward II , Plantagenet Of Caernarvon
M, b. 25 April 1284, d. 21 September 1327
Edward II , Plantagenet Of Caernarvon was buried at Gloucester Cathedral
. He was born on 25 April 1284 at Caernarvon Castle, Caernarvonshire, Wales
.1 He was the son of Edward I 'Longshanks' Hammer of the Scots Plantagenet and Eleanor Princess of Castile. Edward II , Plantagenet Of Caernarvon married Isabella Capet Queen of England, daughter of Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet and Jeanne Princess of Navarre, between 25 January 1307 and 1308 at Boulogne Cathedral, Artois/Pas-de-Calais, France
.2 Edward II , Plantagenet Of Caernarvon died on 21 September 1327 at Berkeley Castle, Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England
, at age 43; (murdered.)1 He was buried on 20 December 1327 at Cathedral, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
He 8 Jul 1307 Accedes to the throne after the death of his father Edward I.
1308 Edward's favorite Piers Gaveston is exiled.
1310 King's cousin Thomas, Earl of Lancaster takes over.
1314 English army routed at Battle of Bannockburn by Robert Bruce.
1320's Hugh le Despencer and son become favorites and restore some powerto King.
1326 Isabella abandons Edward and with lover Roger de Mortimer, deposes Edward II, Executes both le Despencers, and assumes power as regents of Edward III.
1327 Murdered.
Edward II, byname EDWARD OF CAERNARVON (b. April 25, 1284, Caernarvon,Caernarvonshire, Wales--d. September 1327, Berkeley, Gloucestershire,Eng.), king of England from 1307 to 1327. Although he was a man oflimited capability, he waged a long, hopeless campaign to assert hisauthority over powerful barons.
The fourth son of King Edward I, he ascended the throne upon his father'sdeath (July 7, 1307) and immediately gave the highest offices to EdwardI's most prominent opponents. He earned the hatred of the barons bygranting the earldom of Cornwall to his frivolous favourite (and possiblelover), Piers Gaveston. In 1311 a 21-member baronial committee drafted adocument -- known as the Ordinances -- demanding the banishment ofGaveston and the restriction of the King's powers over finances andappointments. Edward pretended to give in to these demands; he sentGaveston out of the country but soon allowed him to return. Inretaliation the barons seized Gaveston and executed him (June 1312).
Edward had to wait 11 years to annul the Ordinances and avenge Gaveston.Meanwhile, the Scottish king Robert I the Bruce was threatening to throwoff English overlordship. Edward led an army into Scotland in 1314 butwas decisively defeated by Bruce at Bannockburn on June 24. With onestroke, Scotland's independence was virtually secured, and Edward was putat the mercy of a group of barons headed by his cousin Thomas ofLancaster, who by 1315 had made himself the real master of England.Nevertheless, Lancaster proved to be incompetent; by 1318 a group ofmoderate barons led by Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke, had assumedthe role of arbitrators between Lancaster and Edward. At this junctureEdward found two new favourites--Hugh le Despenser and his son andnamesake. When the King supported the younger Despenser's territorialambitions in Wales, Lancaster banished both Despensers. Edward then tookup arms in their behalf. His opponents fell out among themselves, and hedefeated and captured Lancaster at Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, in March1322. Soon afterward, he had Lancaster executed.
At last free of baronial control, Edward revoked the Ordinances. Hisreliance on the Despensers, however, soon aroused the resentment of hisqueen, Isabella. While on a diplomatic mission to Paris in 1325, shebecame the mistress of Roger Mortimer, an exiled baronial opponent ofEdward. In September 1326 the couple invaded England, executed theDespensers, and deposed Edward on 21 Jan 1327 in favour of his son, whowas crowned (January 1327) King Edward III. Edward II was imprisoned andin September 1327 died, probably by violence. [Encyclopædia Britannica CD'97]
Reigned 1307-1327, deposed and murdered. Invested as the first Prince ofWales in 1301. His reign was troubled by extravagances, his militaristdisasters in Scotland, notably at Bannockburn(1314), and the unpopularityof his favourite peers, Piers Gaveston, who died in 1312, and Hugh leDespencer, 1262-1326. He was deposed on 21 Jan 1327, and murdered by ared-hot poker in his bowels. He was King of England.

He 8 Jul 1307 Accedes to the throne after the death of his father Edward I.
1308 Edward's favorite Piers Gaveston is exiled.
1310 King's cousin Thomas, Earl of Lancaster takes over.
1314 English army routed at Battle of Bannockburn by Robert Bruce.
1320's Hugh le Despencer and son become favorites and restore some powerto King.
1326 Isabella abandons Edward and with lover Roger de Mortimer, deposes Edward II, Executes both le Despencers, and assumes power as regents of Edward III.
1327 Murdered.
Edward II, byname EDWARD OF CAERNARVON (b. April 25, 1284, Caernarvon,Caernarvonshire, Wales--d. September 1327, Berkeley, Gloucestershire,Eng.), king of England from 1307 to 1327. Although he was a man oflimited capability, he waged a long, hopeless campaign to assert hisauthority over powerful barons.
The fourth son of King Edward I, he ascended the throne upon his father'sdeath (July 7, 1307) and immediately gave the highest offices to EdwardI's most prominent opponents. He earned the hatred of the barons bygranting the earldom of Cornwall to his frivolous favourite (and possiblelover), Piers Gaveston. In 1311 a 21-member baronial committee drafted adocument -- known as the Ordinances -- demanding the banishment ofGaveston and the restriction of the King's powers over finances andappointments. Edward pretended to give in to these demands; he sentGaveston out of the country but soon allowed him to return. Inretaliation the barons seized Gaveston and executed him (June 1312).
Edward had to wait 11 years to annul the Ordinances and avenge Gaveston.Meanwhile, the Scottish king Robert I the Bruce was threatening to throwoff English overlordship. Edward led an army into Scotland in 1314 butwas decisively defeated by Bruce at Bannockburn on June 24. With onestroke, Scotland's independence was virtually secured, and Edward was putat the mercy of a group of barons headed by his cousin Thomas ofLancaster, who by 1315 had made himself the real master of England.Nevertheless, Lancaster proved to be incompetent; by 1318 a group ofmoderate barons led by Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke, had assumedthe role of arbitrators between Lancaster and Edward. At this junctureEdward found two new favourites--Hugh le Despenser and his son andnamesake. When the King supported the younger Despenser's territorialambitions in Wales, Lancaster banished both Despensers. Edward then tookup arms in their behalf. His opponents fell out among themselves, and hedefeated and captured Lancaster at Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, in March1322. Soon afterward, he had Lancaster executed.
At last free of baronial control, Edward revoked the Ordinances. Hisreliance on the Despensers, however, soon aroused the resentment of hisqueen, Isabella. While on a diplomatic mission to Paris in 1325, shebecame the mistress of Roger Mortimer, an exiled baronial opponent ofEdward. In September 1326 the couple invaded England, executed theDespensers, and deposed Edward on 21 Jan 1327 in favour of his son, whowas crowned (January 1327) King Edward III. Edward II was imprisoned andin September 1327 died, probably by violence. [Encyclopædia Britannica CD'97]
Reigned 1307-1327, deposed and murdered. Invested as the first Prince ofWales in 1301. His reign was troubled by extravagances, his militaristdisasters in Scotland, notably at Bannockburn(1314), and the unpopularityof his favourite peers, Piers Gaveston, who died in 1312, and Hugh leDespencer, 1262-1326. He was deposed on 21 Jan 1327, and murdered by ared-hot poker in his bowels. He was King of England.
Child of Edward II , Plantagenet Of Caernarvon and Isabella Capet Queen of England
- Edward III Plantagenet King of England+ b. 13 Nov 1312, d. 21 Jun 1377
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 161-15.
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S241] Bill Lewis, 'Lewis Royal History'GEDCOM imported end OCT 1999 by Linda Joyce Neely.
- [S248] Unknown author, gedcom imported SEP 2002.
Isabella Capet Queen of England
F, b. 1292, d. 22 August 1358
Isabella Capet Queen of England was buried at Church Of Grey Friars, London, Middlesex, England
. She was born in 1292 at Paris, Seine, Ile-de-France, France
.1 She was the daughter of Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet and Jeanne Princess of Navarre. Isabella Capet Queen of England married Edward II , Plantagenet Of Caernarvon, son of Edward I 'Longshanks' Hammer of the Scots Plantagenet and Eleanor Princess of Castile, between 25 January 1307 and 1308 at Boulogne Cathedral, Artois/Pas-de-Calais, France
.1 Isabella Capet Queen of England married Roger de Mortimer , 1st Earl of March, son of Edmund 1st Baron de Mortimer , 7th Lord Wigmore and Margaret de Fiennes, before 1326 at No Marriage.2 Isabella Capet Queen of England died on 22 August 1358 at Castle Rising, Norfolk, England
She 1326 Abandons King and assumes power with lover Roger de Mortimer.
1326 Nickname was 'She Wolf of France'.
1327 Perhaps involved in husband's (King Edward II) murder. She was Queen consort/Edward II.

She 1326 Abandons King and assumes power with lover Roger de Mortimer.
1326 Nickname was 'She Wolf of France'.
1327 Perhaps involved in husband's (King Edward II) murder. She was Queen consort/Edward II.
Child of Isabella Capet Queen of England and Edward II , Plantagenet Of Caernarvon
- Edward III Plantagenet King of England+ b. 13 Nov 1312, d. 21 Jun 1377
Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet
M, b. 1268, d. 29 November 1314
Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet was buried at St. Denis, Ile-de-France, France
. He was born in 1268 at Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France
.1 He was the son of Philippe III ['the Bold'] le Hardi and Isabella Princess of Aragon. Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet married Jeanne Princess of Navarre, daughter of Henry I King of Navarre and Blanche d' Artois , Queen of Navarre, on 16 August 1284 at Paris, Seine, Ile-de-France, France
.1 Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet died on 29 November 1314 at Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France
.1 He was buried on 9 December 1314 at St Denis, Seine-St-Denis, France
He was King of France. He Name Suffix: Roi de France
Eine Garantie für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben wirdnicht übernommen. Berichtigungen, Anregungen und Hinweise sindjederzeit willkommen.SOURCE NOTES:
Holloway, Naomi D, The Genealogyof Mary Wentworth, Who Became theWife of
William Brewster, Revised Edition, October 1969. LDS Film#1738313item#5
Louda, Jiri, and Michael MacLagan, Heraldry of The Royal Families ofEurope.
New York: Clarkson Potter, 1981. Morris County Library 929.6094.
Moriarty, George Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III AndQueen
Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS
Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555.
Paget, Gerald, The Lineageand Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles,Prince of
Wales. London: Charles Skilton Ltd, 1977. Nypl ARF+ 78-835.
Previte-Orton, C. W., The Shorter CambridgeMedieval History,Cambridge:
University Press, 1952. Chatham 940.1PRE.
Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor
Charlemagne's Descendants. Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, 1941.
Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zurGeschichte
der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg: J.A. Stargardt, 1978-.
Tapsell, R. F., Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World.New
York: Facts on File Publications,1983.
Watney, Vernon James, The Wallop Family and their Ancestry,Oxford:John
Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9.
Weis, Frederick Lewis, with additions and corrections by Walter LeeSheppard,
Jr, Assisted by David Faris, Ancestral Roots of Certain AmericanColonists who
came to America before 1700, 7th Edition, Baltimore: GenealogicalPublishing
Co, 1992.
Wurts, John S., Magna Charta: The Pedigrees of the Barons,Philadelphia, PA:
Brookfield PublishingCo, 1942.
1285-1314: King of France [Ref: Tapsell Dynasties p201, Weis AR7 #101]
1285-1314: King of Navarre, as Philip I [Ref: Tapsell Dynastiesp232]Abolished the Knights Templar in 1311. Philip IV (of France),called The Fair (1268-1314), king of France (1285-1314), known for hisconflict with the papacy. The son and successor of King Philip III, hewas born in Fontainebleau. Through
marriage he became the ruler of Navarre and Champagne. Between 1294and 1296 he seized Guienne, in southwestern France, a possession ofEdward I, king of England. In 1297 war ensued with England and withFlanders, England's ally. Under the
terms of a truce made in 1299, Philip withdrew from Guienne and Edwardwithdrew from Flanders, leaving it to the French. A revolt broke outat Bruges, however, and at the Battle of Courtrai in 1302, the Frencharmy was disastrously defeated by
Flemish burghers. The great event of Philip's reign was his strugglewith Pope Boniface VII, which grew out of Philip's attempt to levytaxesagainst the clergy. By the bull Clericis Laicos (1296) Bonifaceforbade the clergy to pay taxes to a
secular power, and Philip replied by forbidding the export of coins,thereby depriving the pope of French revenues. A temporaryreconciliation was ended by a fresh outbreak of the quarrel whenPhilip arrested the papal legate in 1301 and
summoned the first French Estates-General. This assembly,which wascomposed of clergy, nobles, and burghers, gave support to Philip.Boniface retaliated with the celebrated bull Unam Sanctam (1302), adeclaration of papal supremacy. Philip's
partisans then imprisoned Boniface. The pope escaped but died soonafterward. In 1305 Philip obtained the election of one of his ownadherents as pope, Clement V, and compelled him to reside in France.Thus began the so-called Babylonian
Captivity of the papacy (1309-77), during which the popes lived atAvignon and were subjected to French control. In 1307 Philip arrestedGrand Master Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templars, and in 1312 heforced the pope to suppress the
religious and military order. Their wealth was confiscated by theking, and many members were burned at t.

He was King of France. He Name Suffix:
Eine Garantie für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben wirdnicht übernommen. Berichtigungen, Anregungen und Hinweise sindjederzeit willkommen.SOURCE NOTES:
Holloway, Naomi D, The Genealogyof Mary Wentworth, Who Became theWife of
William Brewster, Revised Edition, October 1969. LDS Film#1738313item#5
Louda, Jiri, and Michael MacLagan, Heraldry of The Royal Families ofEurope.
New York: Clarkson Potter, 1981. Morris County Library 929.6094.
Moriarty, George Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III AndQueen
Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS
Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555.
Paget, Gerald, The Lineageand Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles,Prince of
Wales. London: Charles Skilton Ltd, 1977. Nypl ARF+ 78-835.
Previte-Orton, C. W., The Shorter CambridgeMedieval History,Cambridge:
University Press, 1952. Chatham 940.1PRE.
Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor
Charlemagne's Descendants. Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, 1941.
Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zurGeschichte
der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg: J.A. Stargardt, 1978-.
Tapsell, R. F., Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World.New
York: Facts on File Publications,1983.
Watney, Vernon James, The Wallop Family and their Ancestry,Oxford:John
Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9.
Weis, Frederick Lewis, with additions and corrections by Walter LeeSheppard,
Jr, Assisted by David Faris, Ancestral Roots of Certain AmericanColonists who
came to America before 1700, 7th Edition, Baltimore: GenealogicalPublishing
Co, 1992.
Wurts, John S., Magna Charta: The Pedigrees of the Barons,Philadelphia, PA:
Brookfield PublishingCo, 1942.
1285-1314: King of France [Ref: Tapsell Dynasties p201, Weis AR7 #101]
1285-1314: King of Navarre, as Philip I [Ref: Tapsell Dynastiesp232]Abolished the Knights Templar in 1311. Philip IV (of France),called The Fair (1268-1314), king of France (1285-1314), known for hisconflict with the papacy. The son and successor of King Philip III, hewas born in Fontainebleau. Through
marriage he became the ruler of Navarre and Champagne. Between 1294and 1296 he seized Guienne, in southwestern France, a possession ofEdward I, king of England. In 1297 war ensued with England and withFlanders, England's ally. Under the
terms of a truce made in 1299, Philip withdrew from Guienne and Edwardwithdrew from Flanders, leaving it to the French. A revolt broke outat Bruges, however, and at the Battle of Courtrai in 1302, the Frencharmy was disastrously defeated by
Flemish burghers. The great event of Philip's reign was his strugglewith Pope Boniface VII, which grew out of Philip's attempt to levytaxesagainst the clergy. By the bull Clericis Laicos (1296) Bonifaceforbade the clergy to pay taxes to a
secular power, and Philip replied by forbidding the export of coins,thereby depriving the pope of French revenues. A temporaryreconciliation was ended by a fresh outbreak of the quarrel whenPhilip arrested the papal legate in 1301 and
summoned the first French Estates-General. This assembly,which wascomposed of clergy, nobles, and burghers, gave support to Philip.Boniface retaliated with the celebrated bull Unam Sanctam (1302), adeclaration of papal supremacy. Philip's
partisans then imprisoned Boniface. The pope escaped but died soonafterward. In 1305 Philip obtained the election of one of his ownadherents as pope, Clement V, and compelled him to reside in France.Thus began the so-called Babylonian
Captivity of the papacy (1309-77), during which the popes lived atAvignon and were subjected to French control. In 1307 Philip arrestedGrand Master Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templars, and in 1312 heforced the pope to suppress the
religious and military order. Their wealth was confiscated by theking, and many members were burned at t.
Child of Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet and Jeanne Princess of Navarre
- Isabella Capet Queen of England+ b. 1292, d. 22 Aug 1358
Jeanne Princess of Navarre1
F, b. between January 1271 and 1272, d. 2 April 1305
Jeanne Princess of Navarre was buried at Convent Des Cord, Paris, Seine, France
.2,3 She was born between January 1271 and 1272 at Pamplona, Navarre, Spain
.1 She was the daughter of Henry I King of Navarre and Blanche d' Artois , Queen of Navarre. Jeanne Princess of Navarre married Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet, son of Philippe III ['the Bold'] le Hardi and Isabella Princess of Aragon, on 16 August 1284 at Paris, Seine, Ile-de-France, France
.1 Jeanne Princess of Navarre died on 2 April 1305 at Chateau-de-Vincennes, France
She was Queen of Navarre/ Joan I. She Name Prefix: Reina de Navarra
Name Suffix: Countess Of Champagne,QO France
Queen of NavarreGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchGEDCOM provided by CarolynProffitt WinchGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchMARRIAGE: Child Bride at the age of 13
TITLE: Princess of Navarre; Queen of FranceQueen of NavarreThedaughter of Henry I of Navarre. This union brought to the French the
crown of Navarre and the countries of Brie and Champagne. Joan was awoman of
great intelligence and vivacity, a lover of arts and letters whofounded the
famous college of Navarre.
Information provided by RandyWinch <gumby@@cafes.net>FromAncestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.SOURCE NOTES:
Louda, Jiri, and Michael MacLagan, Heraldry of The Royal Families ofEurope.
New York: Clarkson Potter, 1981. Morris County Library 929.6094.
Moriarty, George Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III AndQueen
Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS
Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555.
Paget, Gerald, The Lineage and Ancestry of H.R.H.Prince Charles,Prince of
Wales. London: Charles Skilton Ltd, 1977. Nypl ARF+ 78-835.
Previte-Orton, C. W., The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History,Cambridge:
University Press, 1952. Chatham 940.1PRE.
Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor
Charlemagne's Descendants. Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, 1941.
Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zurGeschichte
der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg:J.A. Stargardt, 1978-.
Tapsell, R. F., Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World.New
York: Facts on File Publications, 1983.
Watney, Vernon James, The Wallop Family and their Ancestry,Oxford:John
Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9.
Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6thEdition,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988. Data not yet checkedagainst 7th
Weis, Frederick Lewis, with additions and corrections by Walter LeeSheppard,
Jr, Assisted by David Faris, Ancestral Roots of Certain AmericanColonists who
came to America before 1700, 7th Edition, Baltimore: GenealogicalPublishing
Co, 1992.
1274-1304: Countess of Champagne [Ref: Tapsell Dynasties p204]
1274-1304: Queen of Navarre [Ref: Tapsell Dynasties p232]
Eine Garantie für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben wirdnicht übernommen. Berichtigungen, Anregungen und Hinweise sindjederzeit willkommen.From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January1996.
Ancestral File Number: 8XJH-28@@S809@@@@S809@@@@S1298@@
Ancestral File Number: ES:II-47, AR:45-31
REFN: 8XJH-28@@S759@@@@S759@@@@S759@@
REFN: 438
REFN: 6243. Jeanne Princess of Navarre was also known as Juana* (Jeanne)[Joan I] de Champagne d'Blois.

She was Queen of Navarre/ Joan I. She Name Prefix:
Name Suffix:
Queen of NavarreGEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch
TITLE: Princess of Navarre; Queen of FranceQueen of NavarreThedaughter of Henry I of Navarre. This union brought to the French the
crown of Navarre and the countries of Brie and Champagne. Joan was awoman of
great intelligence and vivacity, a lover of arts and letters whofounded the
famous college of Navarre.
Information provided by RandyWinch <gumby@@cafes.net>FromAncestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.SOURCE NOTES:
Louda, Jiri, and Michael MacLagan, Heraldry of The Royal Families ofEurope.
New York: Clarkson Potter, 1981. Morris County Library 929.6094.
Moriarty, George Andrews, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III AndQueen
Philippa. Salt Lake: Mormon Pioneer Genealogical Society, 1985. LDS
Film#0441438. nypl#ARF-86-2555.
Paget, Gerald, The Lineage and Ancestry of H.R.H.Prince Charles,Prince of
Wales. London: Charles Skilton Ltd, 1977. Nypl ARF+ 78-835.
Previte-Orton, C. W., The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History,Cambridge:
University Press, 1952. Chatham 940.1PRE.
Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor
Charlemagne's Descendants. Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, 1941.
Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zurGeschichte
der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg:J.A. Stargardt, 1978-.
Tapsell, R. F., Monarchs, Rulers, Dynasties and Kingdoms of the World.New
York: Facts on File Publications, 1983.
Watney, Vernon James, The Wallop Family and their Ancestry,Oxford:John
Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9.
Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6thEdition,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988. Data not yet checkedagainst 7th
Weis, Frederick Lewis, with additions and corrections by Walter LeeSheppard,
Jr, Assisted by David Faris, Ancestral Roots of Certain AmericanColonists who
came to America before 1700, 7th Edition, Baltimore: GenealogicalPublishing
Co, 1992.
1274-1304: Countess of Champagne [Ref: Tapsell Dynasties p204]
1274-1304: Queen of Navarre [Ref: Tapsell Dynasties p232]
Eine Garantie für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben wirdnicht übernommen. Berichtigungen, Anregungen und Hinweise sindjederzeit willkommen.From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January1996.
Ancestral File Number:
Ancestral File Number:
REFN: 8XJH-28@@S759@@@@S759@@@@S759@@
REFN: 438
REFN: 6243. Jeanne Princess of Navarre was also known as Juana* (Jeanne)[Joan I] de Champagne d'Blois.
Child of Jeanne Princess of Navarre and Philippe IV. le Bel 'the Fair' Capet
- Isabella Capet Queen of England+ b. 1292, d. 22 Aug 1358
Mary (Marie) de Coucy1,2
F, b. circa 1220, d. after 1276
Mary (Marie) de Coucy was born circa 1220 at Coucy, Aisne, Picardy, France
. She married an unknown person in 1239.2 She married Jean de Brienne , Grand Butler In France in June 1257.2,3,1 Mary (Marie) de Coucy died after 1276 at Brienne-le-Chateau, Champange, France
She The remarriage dates (and implied death dates) of Ancestral Roots andthose given by Leo van de Pas do not match. Leo has her remarrying Jeande Brienne in June 1257, but AR has Jean remarried by 1251, at which timeMary (Marie) had already died. However John Carmi Parsons & Leo van dePas suggest that Mary was Jean's 2nd wife and Jeanne de Chateaudun wasJean's 1st wife (the reverse order of Ancestral Roots).
The following is a post to SGM, 5 Jan 1999, by Leo van de Pas:
From: Leo van de Pas (leovdpas AT iinet.net.au)
Subject: Re: Marie de COUCY
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 1999/01/05
At 04:42 AM 1/6/99 GMT, you wrote:
>Hi....Marie de COUCY was the second wife of Alexander II of SCOTLAND (ca
>1198-ca 1249). She was reportedly the daughter of a French nobleman.Marie
>gave Alexander his only 'known' son who became Alexander III. Doesanyone
>know which de COUCY family line she is from and her ancestry? Did sheremarry
>following the death of Alexander II in abt July 1249. If so, to whomand did
>she bear any more children? Many thanks in advance...Sid Telford
Dear Sid,
In June 1257 she married Jean de Brienne but there were no more(surviving) children.
1.Marie de Coucy
2.Enguerrand III de Coucy, Seigneur de Coucy et Marle
died 1243
3.Marie de Montmirail
4.Raoul de Coucy, Sire de Coucy et Marle
born 1134
killed in battle November 1191 Acre
married 1174
5.Alix de Dreux
born circa 1156
died after 1217
6.Jean de Montmirail, Chatelain de Cambrai
born circa 1167
died 28 September 1217 Longpont
married before 1194
7.Helvide de Dampierre, Dame de Somsois
8.Enguerrand II de Coucy, Sire de Coucy et Marle
died 1148 in Palestine
married 1132
9.Agnes de Beaugency
born circa 1108
10.Robert I, Comte de Dreux
born circa 1123
died 11 October 1188
married 1152
11.Agnes de Baudement, Dame de Braine
died 24 July 1204
12.Andre de Montmirail, sire de la Ferte-Gaucher
died before 1180
13.Hildiarde d'Oisy, Vicomtesse de Meaux
died before 1177
14.Guillaume I de Dampierre
15.Ermengarde (Basilie) de Mouchy
Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten,
Marburg, 1953, 1975, by W.K. Prinz von Isenburg
Genealogie der Graven van Holland,
Zaltbommel, 1969, by Dr. AWE Dek
Burke's Guide to the Royal Family,
London, 1973
Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels,
Furstliche Hauser
The Plantagenet Ancestry,
Baltimore, 1975, by Lt.Col. W.H.Turton
Encyclopedie Genealogique des Maisons Souveraines du Monde,
Paris, 1963, 1964, 1966, by Docteur Gaston Sirjean
The Lineage and Ancestry of HRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales,
Edinburgh, 1977, by Gerald Paget
Europaische Stammtafeln (Schwennicke)
Hope this helps.
Leo van de Pas.

She The remarriage dates (and implied death dates) of Ancestral Roots andthose given by Leo van de Pas do not match. Leo has her remarrying Jeande Brienne in June 1257, but AR has Jean remarried by 1251, at which timeMary (Marie) had already died. However John Carmi Parsons & Leo van dePas suggest that Mary was Jean's 2nd wife and Jeanne de Chateaudun wasJean's 1st wife (the reverse order of Ancestral Roots).
The following is a post to SGM, 5 Jan 1999, by Leo van de Pas:
From: Leo van de Pas (leovdpas AT iinet.net.au)
Subject: Re: Marie de COUCY
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 1999/01/05
At 04:42 AM 1/6/99 GMT, you wrote:
>Hi....Marie de COUCY was the second wife of Alexander II of SCOTLAND (ca
>1198-ca 1249). She was reportedly the daughter of a French nobleman.Marie
>gave Alexander his only 'known' son who became Alexander III. Doesanyone
>know which de COUCY family line she is from and her ancestry? Did sheremarry
>following the death of Alexander II in abt July 1249. If so, to whomand did
>she bear any more children? Many thanks in advance...Sid Telford
Dear Sid,
In June 1257 she married Jean de Brienne but there were no more(surviving) children.
1.Marie de Coucy
2.Enguerrand III de Coucy, Seigneur de Coucy et Marle
died 1243
3.Marie de Montmirail
4.Raoul de Coucy, Sire de Coucy et Marle
born 1134
killed in battle November 1191 Acre
married 1174
5.Alix de Dreux
born circa 1156
died after 1217
6.Jean de Montmirail, Chatelain de Cambrai
born circa 1167
died 28 September 1217 Longpont
married before 1194
7.Helvide de Dampierre, Dame de Somsois
8.Enguerrand II de Coucy, Sire de Coucy et Marle
died 1148 in Palestine
married 1132
9.Agnes de Beaugency
born circa 1108
10.Robert I, Comte de Dreux
born circa 1123
died 11 October 1188
married 1152
11.Agnes de Baudement, Dame de Braine
died 24 July 1204
12.Andre de Montmirail, sire de la Ferte-Gaucher
died before 1180
13.Hildiarde d'Oisy, Vicomtesse de Meaux
died before 1177
14.Guillaume I de Dampierre
15.Ermengarde (Basilie) de Mouchy
Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europaischen Staaten,
Marburg, 1953, 1975, by W.K. Prinz von Isenburg
Genealogie der Graven van Holland,
Zaltbommel, 1969, by Dr. AWE Dek
Burke's Guide to the Royal Family,
London, 1973
Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels,
Furstliche Hauser
The Plantagenet Ancestry,
Baltimore, 1975, by Lt.Col. W.H.Turton
Encyclopedie Genealogique des Maisons Souveraines du Monde,
Paris, 1963, 1964, 1966, by Docteur Gaston Sirjean
The Lineage and Ancestry of HRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales,
Edinburgh, 1977, by Gerald Paget
Europaische Stammtafeln (Schwennicke)
Hope this helps.
Leo van de Pas.
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Leo van de Pas, 5 Jan 1999.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, John Carmi Parsons, 4 Sep 1998.
Isabel de Clare1,2,3
F, b. between 10 March 1262 and 1263, d. 1333
Isabel de Clare was born between 10 March 1262 and 1263 at Monmouth Castle, Monmouthshire, England
.4 She was the daughter of Gilbert de Clare , Earl Gloucester & Hertford and Alice de Lusignan. Isabel de Clare married Guy de Beauchamp , 10th Earl of Warwick, son of William de Beauchamp , 9th Earl of Warwick and Maud FitzJohn, before 11 May 1297.3 Isabel de Clare married Maurice II 'Magnanimous' 2nd Baron de Berkeley, son of Thomas II 'The Wise' 1st Baron de Berkeley and Joan de Ferrers, in 1316.1,2 Isabel de Clare died in 1333; (dsp.)1,2
She Guy de Beauchamp married 1st by 11 May 1297 (annulled, possibly due tonon-completion or even non-consummation), as her 1st husband, Lady Isabelde Clare (married 2nd c1316, as his 2nd wife, 2nd Lord (Baron) Berkeley),daughter of 6th Earl of Gloucester and Hertford of the 1122 creation.[Burke's Peerage]
He [Maurice de Berkeley] m. 2ndly, about 1316, Isabel, daughter ofGilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, by his 1st wife Alice,daughter of Hugh XI, called le Brun, Sire de Lusignan, Count of la Marcheand Angouleme (uterine brother of Henry III). He d. as aforesaid, 31 May1326 , and was buried at Wallingford, but removed to St. Augustine's,Bristol. Inq.p.m. Feb 1326/7. His widow, who was b. 10 Mar 1262/3, dsp1333. [Complete Peerage II:128-9]
He [Guy de Beauchamp] married, 1stly, before 11 May 1297, Isabel,daughter of Gilbert (DE CLARE), 6th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, byhis 1st wife Alice, daughter of Hugh (DE LUSIGNAN), COUNT OF LA MARCHEAND ANGOULÊME. This marriage appears to have been dissolved. [CompletePeerage XII/2:370-2, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

She Guy de Beauchamp married 1st by 11 May 1297 (annulled, possibly due tonon-completion or even non-consummation), as her 1st husband, Lady Isabelde Clare (married 2nd c1316, as his 2nd wife, 2nd Lord (Baron) Berkeley),daughter of 6th Earl of Gloucester and Hertford of the 1122 creation.[Burke's Peerage]
He [Maurice de Berkeley] m. 2ndly, about 1316, Isabel, daughter ofGilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, by his 1st wife Alice,daughter of Hugh XI, called le Brun, Sire de Lusignan, Count of la Marcheand Angouleme (uterine brother of Henry III). He d. as aforesaid, 31 May1326 , and was buried at Wallingford, but removed to St. Augustine's,Bristol. Inq.p.m. Feb 1326/7. His widow, who was b. 10 Mar 1262/3, dsp1333. [Complete Peerage II:128-9]
He [Guy de Beauchamp] married, 1stly, before 11 May 1297, Isabel,daughter of Gilbert (DE CLARE), 6th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, byhis 1st wife Alice, daughter of Hugh (DE LUSIGNAN), COUNT OF LA MARCHEAND ANGOULÊME. This marriage appears to have been dissolved. [CompletePeerage XII/2:370-2, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, II:219.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:370-2.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, II:129.
Robert II de Holand , Sir1,2
M, b. circa 1253, d. circa 1304
Robert II de Holand , Sir was born circa 1253 at Upholland, Lancashire, England
. He was the son of Thurstan de Holand and Miss de Kellet. Robert II de Holand , Sir married Elizabeth de Salmesbury, daughter of William de Salmesbury , Sir and Avena (Avina) Notton, in 1275 at Salmesbury, Lancashire, England
.3 Robert II de Holand , Sir died circa 1300.4 He died circa 1304.5 He died circa 1310.6
He Sir Robert de Holand, of Upholland, Lancs (son of Thurstan, son of Robertde Holand), by Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of William Samlesbury.[Burke's Peerage]
SIR ROBERT DE HOLAND, son of Sir Robert De HOLAND, of Upholland, co.Lancs (c), by Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of William DE SAMLESBURY. . .
(c) This Sir Robert was son of Thurston, son of Robert de Holand. He m.before 1276, when he and his wife were involved in a suit aboutSalmesbury. The date of his death is uncertain, probably about 1300. Hiswidow was living 1311. [Complete Peerage VI:528 note (c)]

He Sir Robert de Holand, of Upholland, Lancs (son of Thurstan, son of Robertde Holand), by Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of William Samlesbury.[Burke's Peerage]
SIR ROBERT DE HOLAND, son of Sir Robert De HOLAND, of Upholland, co.Lancs (c), by Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of William DE SAMLESBURY. . .
(c) This Sir Robert was son of Thurston, son of Robert de Holand. He m.before 1276, when he and his wife were involved in a suit aboutSalmesbury. The date of his death is uncertain, probably about 1300. Hiswidow was living 1311. [Complete Peerage VI:528 note (c)]
Child of Robert II de Holand , Sir and Elizabeth de Salmesbury
- Robert III 1st Baron de Holand KG, Sir+ b. c 1283, d. 7 Oct 1328
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 90-6.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, VI:528.
- [S232] Unknown author, 6 zip files containing Monarchs.ged downloaded end 1999 by Linda Neely.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, VI:528 note (c).
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 90a-6.
- [S254] Unknown author, gedcom downloaded JUN 2002 by Linda Neely.
Elizabeth de Salmesbury1,2,3
F, b. circa 1253, d. circa 1314
Elizabeth de Salmesbury was born circa 1253 at Salmesbury, Preston, Lancashire, England
. She was the daughter of William de Salmesbury , Sir and Avena (Avina) Notton. Elizabeth de Salmesbury married Robert II de Holand , Sir, son of Thurstan de Holand and Miss de Kellet, in 1275 at Salmesbury, Lancashire, England
.4 Elizabeth de Salmesbury died circa 1314.5
She Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of William Samlesbury. [Burke's Peerage]

She Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of William Samlesbury. [Burke's Peerage]
Child of Elizabeth de Salmesbury and Robert II de Holand , Sir
- Robert III 1st Baron de Holand KG, Sir+ b. c 1283, d. 7 Oct 1328
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 90-6.
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, VI:528.
- [S232] Unknown author, 6 zip files containing Monarchs.ged downloaded end 1999 by Linda Neely.
- [S254] Unknown author, gedcom downloaded JUN 2002 by Linda Neely.
William de Salmesbury , Sir1,2,3
M, b. circa 1223, d. circa 1256
William de Salmesbury , Sir was born circa 1223 at Salmesbury, Preston, Lancashire, England
. He died circa 1256.1

Child of William de Salmesbury , Sir and Avena (Avina) Notton
- Elizabeth de Salmesbury+ b. c 1253, d. c 1314
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 90a-6.
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, VI:528.
Avena (Avina) Notton
F, b. circa 1231, d. after 1256
Avena (Avina) Notton was born circa 1231 at Breightmet, Bolton, Lancashire, England
. She died after 1256.

Child of Avena (Avina) Notton and William de Salmesbury , Sir
- Elizabeth de Salmesbury+ b. c 1253, d. c 1314
Thurstan de Holand1,2
M, b. circa 1222, d. 1275
Thurstan de Holand was born circa 1222 at Upholland, Lancashire, England
. He died in 1275.
He Thurstan, son of Robert de Holand. [Burke's Peerage]

He Thurstan, son of Robert de Holand. [Burke's Peerage]
Child of Thurstan de Holand and Miss de Kellet
- Robert II de Holand , Sir+ b. c 1253, d. c 1304
Miss de Kellet
F, b. circa 1230
Child of Miss de Kellet and Thurstan de Holand
- Robert II de Holand , Sir+ b. c 1253, d. c 1304
Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir1,2
M, b. 11 June 1279, d. before 9 September 1316
Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir was born on 11 June 1279 at Thurston, Stow, Suffolk, England
.2 He was the son of Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland and Mary (?) Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir married Cecily de Valoines, daughter of Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham and Eve (Eva) Pecche, before 1298.3 Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir died before 9 September 1316 at Parham, Plomesgate, Suffolk, England
ROBERT DE UFFORD, son and heir by 1st wife, is said to have been born 11June 1279. He was frequently summoned for service against the Scots,1301-16. On 4 May 1304 he had a grant to himself and his heirs of freewarren at Parham and Wickham, Suffolk. He was summoned to Parliament from4 March 1308/9 to 19 December 1311, by writs directed Roberto de Ufford,whereby he is held to have become LORD UFFORD. On 12 September 1309 hewas about to go to Ireland.
He married, before 1298, Cecily, younger daughter and coheir of Robert DEVALOINES (e), by Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ (died shortly before 2June 1279), of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. He died on or before 9 September1316, aged 37. His widow, who was aged 1 in 1282 and was going onpilgrimage beyond the seas in February 1318/9, died 16 July 1325, aged44. [Complete Peerage XII/2:150, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(e) Cecily and her sister and coheir, Rose, wife of Edmund de Pakenham,were also coheirs of their paternal great-grandmother, Isabel, wife ofJohn de Valoines, sister and (in her issue) coheir of Bartholomew deCreke, of North Creake, Norfolk, and Combe, Suffolk, daughter of Robertde Creke, of the same.
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.
Sir Robert de Ufford, Knt., was summoned to parliament as a Baron from 13January, 1308, to 19 December, 1311. His lordship was in the expeditionmade into Scotland in the 34th Edward I [1306]. He m. Cecily, one of thedaus. and co-heirs of Sir Robert de Valoines, Knt., Lord or Walsham, andhad issue, Robert, his successor; John, archbishop of Canterbury, d.1318; Ralph, Justice of Ireland; and Edmund. He d. in 1316, and was s. byhis eldest son, Robert de Ufford. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant,Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, England,1883, p. 543, Ufford, Barons Ufford, Earls of Suffolk]

ROBERT DE UFFORD, son and heir by 1st wife, is said to have been born 11June 1279. He was frequently summoned for service against the Scots,1301-16. On 4 May 1304 he had a grant to himself and his heirs of freewarren at Parham and Wickham, Suffolk. He was summoned to Parliament from4 March 1308/9 to 19 December 1311, by writs directed Roberto de Ufford,whereby he is held to have become LORD UFFORD. On 12 September 1309 hewas about to go to Ireland.
He married, before 1298, Cecily, younger daughter and coheir of Robert DEVALOINES (e), by Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ (died shortly before 2June 1279), of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. He died on or before 9 September1316, aged 37. His widow, who was aged 1 in 1282 and was going onpilgrimage beyond the seas in February 1318/9, died 16 July 1325, aged44. [Complete Peerage XII/2:150, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(e) Cecily and her sister and coheir, Rose, wife of Edmund de Pakenham,were also coheirs of their paternal great-grandmother, Isabel, wife ofJohn de Valoines, sister and (in her issue) coheir of Bartholomew deCreke, of North Creake, Norfolk, and Combe, Suffolk, daughter of Robertde Creke, of the same.
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.
Sir Robert de Ufford, Knt., was summoned to parliament as a Baron from 13January, 1308, to 19 December, 1311. His lordship was in the expeditionmade into Scotland in the 34th Edward I [1306]. He m. Cecily, one of thedaus. and co-heirs of Sir Robert de Valoines, Knt., Lord or Walsham, andhad issue, Robert, his successor; John, archbishop of Canterbury, d.1318; Ralph, Justice of Ireland; and Edmund. He d. in 1316, and was s. byhis eldest son, Robert de Ufford. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant,Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, England,1883, p. 543, Ufford, Barons Ufford, Earls of Suffolk]
Children of Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir and Cecily de Valoines
- Robert III de Ufford , KG, 1st Earl of Suffolk+ b. 9 Aug 1298, d. 4 Nov 1369
- Ralph de Ufford , Justiciar of Ireland, Sir b. c 1302, d. 9 Apr 1346
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:150.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:150-1.
Cecily de Valoines1
F, b. 1281, d. 16 July 1325
Cecily de Valoines was born in 1281 at Ixworth & Walsham, Suffolk, England
.1 She was the daughter of Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham and Eve (Eva) Pecche. Cecily de Valoines married Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir, son of Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland and Mary (?), before 1298.2 Cecily de Valoines died on 16 July 1325 at Thurston, Stow, Suffolk, England
She He [Robert de Ufford] married, before 1298, Cecily, younger daughter andcoheir of Robert DE VALOINES (e), by Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ(died shortly before 2 June 1279), of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. He diedon or before 9 September 1316, aged 37. His widow, who was aged 1 in 1282and was going on pilgrimage beyond the seas in February 1318/9, died 16July 1325, aged 44. [Complete Peerage XII/2:150, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]
(e) Cecily and her sister and coheir, Rose, wife of Edmund de Pakenham,were also coheirs of their paternal great-grandmother, Isabel, wife ofJohn de Valoines, sister and (in her issue) coheir of Bartholomew deCreke, of North Creake, Norfolk, and Combe, Suffolk, daughter of Robertde Creke, of the same.
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.

She He [Robert de Ufford] married, before 1298, Cecily, younger daughter andcoheir of Robert DE VALOINES (e), by Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ(died shortly before 2 June 1279), of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. He diedon or before 9 September 1316, aged 37. His widow, who was aged 1 in 1282and was going on pilgrimage beyond the seas in February 1318/9, died 16July 1325, aged 44. [Complete Peerage XII/2:150, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]
(e) Cecily and her sister and coheir, Rose, wife of Edmund de Pakenham,were also coheirs of their paternal great-grandmother, Isabel, wife ofJohn de Valoines, sister and (in her issue) coheir of Bartholomew deCreke, of North Creake, Norfolk, and Combe, Suffolk, daughter of Robertde Creke, of the same.
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.
Children of Cecily de Valoines and Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir
- Robert III de Ufford , KG, 1st Earl of Suffolk+ b. 9 Aug 1298, d. 4 Nov 1369
- Ralph de Ufford , Justiciar of Ireland, Sir b. c 1302, d. 9 Apr 1346
Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland1,2,3
M, b. before 1234, d. before 9 September 1298
Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland married Sarah de Vescy. Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland was born before 1234 at Peyton Hall, Ramshold, Suffolk, England
.3 He married Mary (?) before 12 May 1273.1,4,2,5 Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland married Joan (?) before 1286.5 Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland died before 9 September 1298 at Ufford, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England
He ROBERT DE UFFORD (b) had interests in Ufford, Suffolk, by 1255/6, when helevied a fine of the advowson there to Gilbert Pecche. He was in Waleswith Edward, the King's son, October 1257 was going with him beyond seas,July 1261, and was with him at Boulogne-sur-Mer, January 1263/4. Havinggone to Ireland on the Prince's affairs, September 1268, he was madeJusticiary there, 1268-69, and again 17 June 1276-November 1281, when hewas replaced, being 'so affected by infirmity that he cannot attend tothe office.' He was granted the custody of the town and castle of Orford,Suffolk, 15 May 1275-May 1276, and again for life, 28 December 1280; wasJustice of Chester, before October 1276; had a protection for 3 years,staying in England, 7 December 1282; and he and his heirs received agrant of a weekly market and yearly fair at Bawdsey, Suffolk, 28 August1283. On 7 May 1290 he was allowed to appoint attorneys, being too old toride, and again on 30 December 1296, by reason of his debility; but hewas a Commissioner to keep the sea-coast near Dunwich, 30 August 1295.
He married, 1stly, before 12 May 1273, Mary, widow of William DE SAY(died shortly before 12 February 1271/2. She was living, 10 August 1280.He married, 2ndly, before 1286-87, Joan. He died shortly before 9September 1298. His widow was living, 18 November 1307. [CompletePeerage XII/2:148-9, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(b) In his collections for Suffolk genealogies, Sir Simonds d'Ewes saysthat Robert de Ufford was, 'uti colligo', 2nd son of John de Peyton, sonof Nigel, who lived in the reign of Henry I; but there is no evidenceamong the charters which he there transcribes from the documents then(Dec 1631) penes Sir Edward Peyton, Knight and Barinet, at Isleham,Cambs, and no evidence has been traced elsewhere; nor is the chronologyeasily reconcilable with the known facts. Robert de Ufford is known tohave had a brother John, who was b. in July 1276. A John de Ufford hadletters of protection for 3 years, 7 Nov 1280, proceeding by the King'slicense, to Ireland, and letters of safe conduct, 14 Mar 1282/3 and 30Aug 1284, to go to the Court of Rome. Royal assent was given to hiselection as Bishop of Enachdune, a disputed Irish see, 16 Mar 1282/3, buthe d. 'prosecuting his right' thereto before 1300. Another man (? othermen) of this name (fl. 1302-25) is described with John, brother ofRobert, in 'Knights of Edward I'.
of this family, says Sir William Dugdale, which afterwards arrived togreat honour, I have not seen anything memorable until the 53rd Henry III[1269], when Robert, a younger son of John de Peyton, of Peyton, co.Suffolk, assuming his surname from the lordship of Ufford in that shire,became Robert de Ufford. This Robert was Justice of Ireland in the reignof Henry III and again in the reign of Edward I. He m. Mary, widow ofWilliam de Say, and, dying in the 26th of the latter king, was s. by hisson, Sir Robert de Ufford. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant,Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, England,1883, p. 543, Ufford, Barons Ufford, Earls of Suffolk]
Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann AT yahoo.com, in a post-em wrote:
FWIW, the flwg is from:
& says his wife was Sara de VESEY dau & h of Wm. de VESEY, Earl ofSuffolk (in right of his wife) Maud de GLANVILLE dau of Ralph DeGlanville s of Gilbert de GLANVILLE, 3rd Earl of Suffolk (who wasstripped of his estates & title by Henry III).
Ralph de Glanville, the eldest son (of Gilbert de Glanville, 3rd Earl ofSuffolk), was a benefactor to Leiston Abbey, founded by hisgreat-grandfather, the Lord Chief Justice. 'Ufortunately I have not comeacross anything further connected with him but that he left an onlydaughter, Maud de Glanville, his sole heiress, who married Sir William deVesey, [fn 46] of Ireland, who, as most people do say, was created Earlof Suffolk, in right of his wife, in 1326. Sir William de Vesey had issueby her, Sara de Vesey, sole heiress, who married Robert de Ufford, [fn47] and whose issue were now made Earls of Suffolk. The original name ofUfford was Peyton of Peyton, in Suffolk. The above-named Robert deUfford, or more properly Peyton, was a younger son of John de Peyton, andhe assumed his surname from his lordship of Ufford.
Robert de Ufford, who married Sara de Vesey, inherited through herconsiderable estates which had formerly belonged to the Glanvilles. Theirson, Robert de Ufford, was summoned to Parliament as a Baron 13 Jan.1308, and continued to sit as such until the year 1311. He considerablyaugmented his estates by his marriage with Cicely, daughter and coheir ofRobert, Lord Valoins, and also heiress of another branch of the Glanvillefamily.
An account of the descent of the Glanville inheritance to the Uffords isgiven under the Lordships of Bawdsey, Glosthorpe, Orford, Aldringham, andCombs.
This Robert de Ufford was succeeded by his son, Robert de Ufford, Knightof the Garter, who served in the wars of Saxony in the reign of EdwardII., and in the beginning of Edward III. he obtained a grant for life ofthe town and castle of Oreford, formerly the Glanville property, thecastle having been built by Glanville, Earl of Suffolk, [fn 48] and ofwhich Bartholomew de Glanville was governor in the days of the secondHenry.

He ROBERT DE UFFORD (b) had interests in Ufford, Suffolk, by 1255/6, when helevied a fine of the advowson there to Gilbert Pecche. He was in Waleswith Edward, the King's son, October 1257 was going with him beyond seas,July 1261, and was with him at Boulogne-sur-Mer, January 1263/4. Havinggone to Ireland on the Prince's affairs, September 1268, he was madeJusticiary there, 1268-69, and again 17 June 1276-November 1281, when hewas replaced, being 'so affected by infirmity that he cannot attend tothe office.' He was granted the custody of the town and castle of Orford,Suffolk, 15 May 1275-May 1276, and again for life, 28 December 1280; wasJustice of Chester, before October 1276; had a protection for 3 years,staying in England, 7 December 1282; and he and his heirs received agrant of a weekly market and yearly fair at Bawdsey, Suffolk, 28 August1283. On 7 May 1290 he was allowed to appoint attorneys, being too old toride, and again on 30 December 1296, by reason of his debility; but hewas a Commissioner to keep the sea-coast near Dunwich, 30 August 1295.
He married, 1stly, before 12 May 1273, Mary, widow of William DE SAY(died shortly before 12 February 1271/2. She was living, 10 August 1280.He married, 2ndly, before 1286-87, Joan. He died shortly before 9September 1298. His widow was living, 18 November 1307. [CompletePeerage XII/2:148-9, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(b) In his collections for Suffolk genealogies, Sir Simonds d'Ewes saysthat Robert de Ufford was, 'uti colligo', 2nd son of John de Peyton, sonof Nigel, who lived in the reign of Henry I; but there is no evidenceamong the charters which he there transcribes from the documents then(Dec 1631) penes Sir Edward Peyton, Knight and Barinet, at Isleham,Cambs, and no evidence has been traced elsewhere; nor is the chronologyeasily reconcilable with the known facts. Robert de Ufford is known tohave had a brother John, who was b. in July 1276. A John de Ufford hadletters of protection for 3 years, 7 Nov 1280, proceeding by the King'slicense, to Ireland, and letters of safe conduct, 14 Mar 1282/3 and 30Aug 1284, to go to the Court of Rome. Royal assent was given to hiselection as Bishop of Enachdune, a disputed Irish see, 16 Mar 1282/3, buthe d. 'prosecuting his right' thereto before 1300. Another man (? othermen) of this name (fl. 1302-25) is described with John, brother ofRobert, in 'Knights of Edward I'.
of this family, says Sir William Dugdale, which afterwards arrived togreat honour, I have not seen anything memorable until the 53rd Henry III[1269], when Robert, a younger son of John de Peyton, of Peyton, co.Suffolk, assuming his surname from the lordship of Ufford in that shire,became Robert de Ufford. This Robert was Justice of Ireland in the reignof Henry III and again in the reign of Edward I. He m. Mary, widow ofWilliam de Say, and, dying in the 26th of the latter king, was s. by hisson, Sir Robert de Ufford. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant,Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, England,1883, p. 543, Ufford, Barons Ufford, Earls of Suffolk]
Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann AT yahoo.com, in a post-em wrote:
FWIW, the flwg is from:
& says his wife was Sara de VESEY dau & h of Wm. de VESEY, Earl ofSuffolk (in right of his wife) Maud de GLANVILLE dau of Ralph DeGlanville s of Gilbert de GLANVILLE, 3rd Earl of Suffolk (who wasstripped of his estates & title by Henry III).
Ralph de Glanville, the eldest son (of Gilbert de Glanville, 3rd Earl ofSuffolk), was a benefactor to Leiston Abbey, founded by hisgreat-grandfather, the Lord Chief Justice. 'Ufortunately I have not comeacross anything further connected with him but that he left an onlydaughter, Maud de Glanville, his sole heiress, who married Sir William deVesey, [fn 46] of Ireland, who, as most people do say, was created Earlof Suffolk, in right of his wife, in 1326. Sir William de Vesey had issueby her, Sara de Vesey, sole heiress, who married Robert de Ufford, [fn47] and whose issue were now made Earls of Suffolk. The original name ofUfford was Peyton of Peyton, in Suffolk. The above-named Robert deUfford, or more properly Peyton, was a younger son of John de Peyton, andhe assumed his surname from his lordship of Ufford.
Robert de Ufford, who married Sara de Vesey, inherited through herconsiderable estates which had formerly belonged to the Glanvilles. Theirson, Robert de Ufford, was summoned to Parliament as a Baron 13 Jan.1308, and continued to sit as such until the year 1311. He considerablyaugmented his estates by his marriage with Cicely, daughter and coheir ofRobert, Lord Valoins, and also heiress of another branch of the Glanvillefamily.
An account of the descent of the Glanville inheritance to the Uffords isgiven under the Lordships of Bawdsey, Glosthorpe, Orford, Aldringham, andCombs.
This Robert de Ufford was succeeded by his son, Robert de Ufford, Knightof the Garter, who served in the wars of Saxony in the reign of EdwardII., and in the beginning of Edward III. he obtained a grant for life ofthe town and castle of Oreford, formerly the Glanville property, thecastle having been built by Glanville, Earl of Suffolk, [fn 48] and ofwhich Bartholomew de Glanville was governor in the days of the secondHenry.
Child of Robert I Peyton de Ufford , Justiciar Ireland and Mary (?)
- Robert II 1st Baron de Ufford , Sir+ b. 11 Jun 1279, d. b 9 Sep 1316
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 16a-2.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XI:473.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:148-9.
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:149.
Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham1
M, b. circa 1240, d. 1282
Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham was born circa 1240 at Ixworth & Walsham, Suffolk, England
. He married Eve (Eva) Pecche after 1279.1 Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham died in 1282.
He Robert DE VALOINES (e), by Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ (diedshortly before 2 June 1279), of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. [CompletePeerage XII/2:150, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.

He Robert DE VALOINES (e), by Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ (diedshortly before 2 June 1279), of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. [CompletePeerage XII/2:150, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.
Child of Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham and Eve (Eva) Pecche
- Cecily de Valoines+ b. 1281, d. 16 Jul 1325
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:150.
Eve (Eva) Pecche1,2,3
F, b. circa 1240, d. 1292
Eve (Eva) Pecche married Nicholas de Tregoz , of Tolleshunt D'Arcy.4 Eve (Eva) Pecche was born circa 1240 at Corby, Bourne, Lincolnshire, England
. She married Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham after 1279.4 Eve (Eva) Pecche died in 1292.5
She Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ (died shortly before 2 June 1279), ofTolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. [Complete Peerage XII/2:150, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.
Note: A number of people on SGM have expressed doubts as to Eva being aCriketot based on chronology.
In the following post to SGM, 20 Feb 2004, Douglas Richardson suggeststhat Eve was a Pecche (although certainly not proven I will at leasttemporarily adopt the suggested ancestry):
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry AT msn.com)
Subject: Possible identity of Eve wife of Nicholas Tregoz and Robert deValoines
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2004-02-20 17:51:02 PST
Dear Jay ~
If I had to venture a guess, I would think a good bet is that Eve, wifeof Nicholas Tregoz and Robert de Valoines, was probably the daughter ofGilbert Pecche (died 1291) by his 1st wife, Maud de Hastings, which Maudwas a possible daughter of Henry de Hastings, by Ada of Huntingdon. Ifso, the Hastings-Huntingdon connection would explain the laterintermarriage between the Valoines and Comyn families. The Comyn familywas Scottish, as was Ada de Huntingdon's family.
I read someplace that Gilbert Pecche (died 1291) was styled 'king'skinsman,' which statement is probably true. Unfortunately, I haven'tfound the specific citation to verify this allegation. Gilbert's mother,also named Eve, was a foreigner. My guess is that Eve was a nearkinswoman of King Henry III of England. If correct, then it wouldexplain why Gilbert Pecche was called 'king's kinsman' and why Eve(_____) (Tregoz) de Valoines was called 'king's cousin.' Thesesuggested kinships should be labelled mere speculation until furtherrecords can be consulted.
I've always assumed that Eve, mother of Gilbert Pecche, was French.However, I suppose it's possible that she could be Scottish. AndrewMacEwen, the great Scottish scholar, has has proven that Fergus ofGalloway was the paternal grandfather of Eve Fitz Uchtred, wife of Walterde Berkeley, of Red Castle, co. Forfar, Chamberlain of Scotland. TheGalloway family are known kinsfolk of the English royal family.
For interest's sake, I might point out that Gary Boyd Roberts' new RD 600book, shows that Gilbert Pecche (died 1291) is ancestral to threecolonial immigrants, Jane (Lawrence) Giddings, Judith (Everard) Appleton,and Margaret (Halsnode) Denne. If Gilbert Pecche is the father of Eve(_____) (Tregoz) de Valoines, he would further be ancestral to many morecolonial immigrants.
This matter require further study.
Best always, Douglas Richardson, Salt Lake City, Utah
E-mail: royalancestry AT msn.com. Eve (Eva) Pecche was also known as Eve (Eva) Criketot.

She Eve (f), widow of Nicholas TREGOZ (died shortly before 2 June 1279), ofTolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. [Complete Peerage XII/2:150, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]
(f) She is commonly described as Eva Criketot, presumably of the familyof Criketot of Ousden, Suffolk.
Note: A number of people on SGM have expressed doubts as to Eva being aCriketot based on chronology.
In the following post to SGM, 20 Feb 2004, Douglas Richardson suggeststhat Eve was a Pecche (although certainly not proven I will at leasttemporarily adopt the suggested ancestry):
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry AT msn.com)
Subject: Possible identity of Eve wife of Nicholas Tregoz and Robert deValoines
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2004-02-20 17:51:02 PST
Dear Jay ~
If I had to venture a guess, I would think a good bet is that Eve, wifeof Nicholas Tregoz and Robert de Valoines, was probably the daughter ofGilbert Pecche (died 1291) by his 1st wife, Maud de Hastings, which Maudwas a possible daughter of Henry de Hastings, by Ada of Huntingdon. Ifso, the Hastings-Huntingdon connection would explain the laterintermarriage between the Valoines and Comyn families. The Comyn familywas Scottish, as was Ada de Huntingdon's family.
I read someplace that Gilbert Pecche (died 1291) was styled 'king'skinsman,' which statement is probably true. Unfortunately, I haven'tfound the specific citation to verify this allegation. Gilbert's mother,also named Eve, was a foreigner. My guess is that Eve was a nearkinswoman of King Henry III of England. If correct, then it wouldexplain why Gilbert Pecche was called 'king's kinsman' and why Eve(_____) (Tregoz) de Valoines was called 'king's cousin.' Thesesuggested kinships should be labelled mere speculation until furtherrecords can be consulted.
I've always assumed that Eve, mother of Gilbert Pecche, was French.However, I suppose it's possible that she could be Scottish. AndrewMacEwen, the great Scottish scholar, has has proven that Fergus ofGalloway was the paternal grandfather of Eve Fitz Uchtred, wife of Walterde Berkeley, of Red Castle, co. Forfar, Chamberlain of Scotland. TheGalloway family are known kinsfolk of the English royal family.
For interest's sake, I might point out that Gary Boyd Roberts' new RD 600book, shows that Gilbert Pecche (died 1291) is ancestral to threecolonial immigrants, Jane (Lawrence) Giddings, Judith (Everard) Appleton,and Margaret (Halsnode) Denne. If Gilbert Pecche is the father of Eve(_____) (Tregoz) de Valoines, he would further be ancestral to many morecolonial immigrants.
This matter require further study.
Best always, Douglas Richardson, Salt Lake City, Utah
E-mail: royalancestry AT msn.com. Eve (Eva) Pecche was also known as Eve (Eva) Criketot.
Child of Eve (Eva) Pecche and Robert II de Valoines , Lord of Walsham
- Cecily de Valoines+ b. 1281, d. 16 Jul 1325
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:150 (f).
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Dave Utzinger (UTZ), 26 Apr 1998.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Douglas Richardson, 20 Feb 2004.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:150.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Rosie Bevan, 14 May 2004.
Joan de Grey1,2
F, b. circa 1260, d. before 1285
Joan de Grey married Edmund 1st Baron de Mortimer , 7th Lord Wigmore, son of Roger de Mortimer , Lord of Wigmore and Maud de Braose.2,1 Joan de Grey was born circa 1260 at Wilton Castle, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, England
. She died before 1285.3
She The following post to SGM, 13 Jan 2002, by Douglas Richardson identifiesJoan as Edmund's first wife. [A post by Douglas Richardson in thefollowing week removes Isolde/Iseult as Joan & Edmund's daughter, makingher daughter of Hugh de Mortimer & Agatha de Ferrers. See notes underIsolde/Iseult de Mortimer, b. 1265, for that posting]:
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry AT msn.com)
Subject: Joan, 1st wife of Sir Edmund de Mortimer (died 1304)
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-01-13 02:22:43 PST
Dear Newsgroup ~
I recently came across four legal cases in the Year Books of King EdwardI which appear to identify the hitherto unidentified first wife of SirEdmund de Mortimer (died 1302), of Wigmore, co. Hereford. The unknownfirst wife is thought to have been the mother of Sir Edmund's daughter,Iseult de Mortimer, wife of Hugh de Audley, from whom many colonialimmigrants are descended.
Although the particulars provided in the legal cases are less thandesireable, the first legal case presented below indicates that SirEdmund's wife's name was Joan. A pedigree is set forth in which Joan isidentified as the daughter of Maud, who in turn is said to be thedaughter of 'W.', which 'W.' was in turn called brother and heir of Henry.
Curiously, the wording of the pedigree in the first Mortimer case seemsto be a near exact match to two other suits in the same Hereford iterwhich involve property held by Sir Reynold de Grey, of Wilton, co.Hereford, and his wife, Maud de Longchamp. In one of these suits, Maudde Longchamp is identified as the daughter of 'W.', which 'W.' in turn isidentified as the brother and heir of a certain Henry. In both theMortimer and Grey cases, the said 'Henry' is stated to have received hislands by grant of King Richard. In the Mortimer suit, the King demandsthe manor of 'C.' against Edmund de Mortimer and Joan his wife. ThePrior of 'E.' is said to hold the advowson. In one of the Grey suits,the king demands the manor of 'C.' against Reynold and Maud de Grey, theadvowson of which property is held by the Prior of 'C.'
Since the particulars in the Mortimer and Grey suits are similar invirtually every point, it seems highly probable that Sir Edmund deMortimer's wife, Joan, is in fact the daughter of Sir Reynold de Grey andhis wife, Maud de Longchamp.
The chronology seems to work o.k. for this identification of Edmund deMortimer's wife. Research indicates that Edmund de Mortimer was bornabout 1252, being aged 30 at his father's death in 1282. Sir Reynold deGrey was born say 1230/5, and married before 1257 to Maud de Longchamp,the heiress of Wilton, co. Hereford. As such, it seems entirely possiblethat Sir Edmund de Mortimer's wife, Joan, was the daughter of Sir Reynoldde Grey.

She The following post to SGM, 13 Jan 2002, by Douglas Richardson identifiesJoan as Edmund's first wife. [A post by Douglas Richardson in thefollowing week removes Isolde/Iseult as Joan & Edmund's daughter, makingher daughter of Hugh de Mortimer & Agatha de Ferrers. See notes underIsolde/Iseult de Mortimer, b. 1265, for that posting]:
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry AT msn.com)
Subject: Joan, 1st wife of Sir Edmund de Mortimer (died 1304)
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-01-13 02:22:43 PST
Dear Newsgroup ~
I recently came across four legal cases in the Year Books of King EdwardI which appear to identify the hitherto unidentified first wife of SirEdmund de Mortimer (died 1302), of Wigmore, co. Hereford. The unknownfirst wife is thought to have been the mother of Sir Edmund's daughter,Iseult de Mortimer, wife of Hugh de Audley, from whom many colonialimmigrants are descended.
Although the particulars provided in the legal cases are less thandesireable, the first legal case presented below indicates that SirEdmund's wife's name was Joan. A pedigree is set forth in which Joan isidentified as the daughter of Maud, who in turn is said to be thedaughter of 'W.', which 'W.' was in turn called brother and heir of Henry.
Curiously, the wording of the pedigree in the first Mortimer case seemsto be a near exact match to two other suits in the same Hereford iterwhich involve property held by Sir Reynold de Grey, of Wilton, co.Hereford, and his wife, Maud de Longchamp. In one of these suits, Maudde Longchamp is identified as the daughter of 'W.', which 'W.' in turn isidentified as the brother and heir of a certain Henry. In both theMortimer and Grey cases, the said 'Henry' is stated to have received hislands by grant of King Richard. In the Mortimer suit, the King demandsthe manor of 'C.' against Edmund de Mortimer and Joan his wife. ThePrior of 'E.' is said to hold the advowson. In one of the Grey suits,the king demands the manor of 'C.' against Reynold and Maud de Grey, theadvowson of which property is held by the Prior of 'C.'
Since the particulars in the Mortimer and Grey suits are similar invirtually every point, it seems highly probable that Sir Edmund deMortimer's wife, Joan, is in fact the daughter of Sir Reynold de Grey andhis wife, Maud de Longchamp.
The chronology seems to work o.k. for this identification of Edmund deMortimer's wife. Research indicates that Edmund de Mortimer was bornabout 1252, being aged 30 at his father's death in 1282. Sir Reynold deGrey was born say 1230/5, and married before 1257 to Maud de Longchamp,the heiress of Wilton, co. Hereford. As such, it seems entirely possiblethat Sir Edmund de Mortimer's wife, Joan, was the daughter of Sir Reynoldde Grey.
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Douglas Richardson, 13 Jan 2002.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 147-4.
John 1st Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir1,2,3
M, b. before 1254, d. before 8 August 1309
John 1st Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir was born before 1254 at Knockin, Oswestry, Shropshire, England
.1,3 He married Alianore de Montz before 1 June 1276.4,5 John 1st Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir married Maud de Walton before 1297.1,5 John 1st Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir died before 8 August 1309.1,3
He John V Lestrange, 1st Lord (Baron) Strange (of Knockyn), so created bywrit 26 Sep 1299 onwards (first as Extraneus (Strange) then 4 March1308/9 onwards as Strange of Knockyn); served in Edward I's Welshcampaigns 1276-87 and Scottish campaigns 1298-1308; married 1st Alienore,daughter of Joan (widow of Stephen de Somery; died c1240) and asubsequent husband of Joan's perhaps Godfrey de Crawcumbe; married 2ndMaud, daughter and heiress either of Roger de Deyville, of WaltonDeyville, Warwicks, or of Ebles de Montibus, of Ketton, Rutland, leaving(presumably by his 2nd wife, since her putative paternity would accountfor the unusual forename Ebles being given to the 2nd son). [Burke'sPeerage]
JOHN LESTRANGE V, son and heir, aged 22 and more at the date of hisfather's death; on 16 May 1276 he had done homage, and was to have hislands. In 1277 he was going to Wales on the King's service. On 10 January1277/8, as 'the king's yeoman', he had pardon for a debt due from hisfather. In 1292 he established his claim to free warren in Ness, Miltonand Middle. On 12 December 1276, and frequently thereafter until 1287, hewas summoned to serve against the Welsh; in 1294 he was summoned toPortsmouth to cross to France; and from 1298 to 1308 he was summoned toserve against the Scots. From 26 September 1299 to 10 March 1307/8 he wassummoned to Parliament by writs directed Johanni Extraneo, whereby he isheld to have become LORD STRANGE, and from 4 March 1308/9 to 12 December1309 by writs directed Johanni Lestraunge de Knokyn. His seal wasappended to the Barons' Letter to the Pope, where he is described asJohannes Lestraunge dominus de Knokyn or Johannes le Straungge. On 18January 1307/8 he was summoned to attend the Coronation of Edward II. In1308 he obtained a licence to crenellate his house of Middle.
He married, 1stly, between 13 October 1275 and 1 June 1276, Alianoredaughter and heir of Eble DE MONTZ, Constable of Windsor Castle, by Joan,widow of Godfrey DE CRAUCOMBE and before this of Stephen DE SOMERY,perhaps daughter of [---] DE BECHE. She died before 14 August 1282. Hemarried 2ndly Maud, widow of John DE STRADLING, or STRUTTELINGAS [diedshortly before February 1282/3], daughter and heir of John DE WALTON, ofLittle Wellesborne and Walton Deyville, co. Warwick [died before 28December 1277], by his wife Isabel. He died on or before 8 August 1309.His widow married between 30 October 1309 and 28 November 1310, as his1st wife, Thomas DE HASTANG, of Chebsey, co. Stafford, who died in orbefore 1348. She died before July 1325. [Complete Peerage XII/1:352-3,XIV:596]

He John V Lestrange, 1st Lord (Baron) Strange (of Knockyn), so created bywrit 26 Sep 1299 onwards (first as Extraneus (Strange) then 4 March1308/9 onwards as Strange of Knockyn); served in Edward I's Welshcampaigns 1276-87 and Scottish campaigns 1298-1308; married 1st Alienore,daughter of Joan (widow of Stephen de Somery; died c1240) and asubsequent husband of Joan's perhaps Godfrey de Crawcumbe; married 2ndMaud, daughter and heiress either of Roger de Deyville, of WaltonDeyville, Warwicks, or of Ebles de Montibus, of Ketton, Rutland, leaving(presumably by his 2nd wife, since her putative paternity would accountfor the unusual forename Ebles being given to the 2nd son). [Burke'sPeerage]
JOHN LESTRANGE V, son and heir, aged 22 and more at the date of hisfather's death; on 16 May 1276 he had done homage, and was to have hislands. In 1277 he was going to Wales on the King's service. On 10 January1277/8, as 'the king's yeoman', he had pardon for a debt due from hisfather. In 1292 he established his claim to free warren in Ness, Miltonand Middle. On 12 December 1276, and frequently thereafter until 1287, hewas summoned to serve against the Welsh; in 1294 he was summoned toPortsmouth to cross to France; and from 1298 to 1308 he was summoned toserve against the Scots. From 26 September 1299 to 10 March 1307/8 he wassummoned to Parliament by writs directed Johanni Extraneo, whereby he isheld to have become LORD STRANGE, and from 4 March 1308/9 to 12 December1309 by writs directed Johanni Lestraunge de Knokyn. His seal wasappended to the Barons' Letter to the Pope, where he is described asJohannes Lestraunge dominus de Knokyn or Johannes le Straungge. On 18January 1307/8 he was summoned to attend the Coronation of Edward II. In1308 he obtained a licence to crenellate his house of Middle.
He married, 1stly, between 13 October 1275 and 1 June 1276, Alianoredaughter and heir of Eble DE MONTZ, Constable of Windsor Castle, by Joan,widow of Godfrey DE CRAUCOMBE and before this of Stephen DE SOMERY,perhaps daughter of [---] DE BECHE. She died before 14 August 1282. Hemarried 2ndly Maud, widow of John DE STRADLING, or STRUTTELINGAS [diedshortly before February 1282/3], daughter and heir of John DE WALTON, ofLittle Wellesborne and Walton Deyville, co. Warwick [died before 28December 1277], by his wife Isabel. He died on or before 8 August 1309.His widow married between 30 October 1309 and 28 November 1310, as his1st wife, Thomas DE HASTANG, of Chebsey, co. Stafford, who died in orbefore 1348. She died before July 1325. [Complete Peerage XII/1:352-3,XIV:596]
Child of John 1st Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir and Alianore de Montz
- John 2nd Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir+ b. 18 May 1282, d. BEF 6 FEB 1310/11
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/1:352-3.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 137-4.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/1:352-3, XIV:596.
Alianore de Montz1
F, b. circa 1257, d. before 14 August 1282
Alianore de Montz was born circa 1257 at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England
. She married John 1st Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir before 1 June 1276.2,1 Alianore de Montz died before 14 August 1282 at Knockin, Oswestry, Shropshire, England
She Alienore, daughter of Joan (widow of Stephen de Somery; died c1240) and asubsequent husband of Joan's perhaps Godfrey de Crawcumbe. [Burke'sPeerage]
Note: Magna Charta Sureties has her as 'Allenore de Someri' (no parentsgiven).
He [John Lestrange] married, 1stly, between 13 October 1275 and 1 June1276, Alianore daughter and heir of Eble DE MONTZ, Constable of WindsorCastle, by Joan, widow of Godfrey DE CRAUCOMBE and before this of StephenDE SOMERY, perhaps daughter of [---] DE BECHE. She died before 14 August1282. [Complete Peerage XII/1:352-3, XIV:596]
Note: Apparently Alianore is daughter of, not the 1st (MCS), nor the 2nd(BP), but the 3rd (CP) husband of Joan de Beche. Alianore de Montz was also known as Allenore de Someri.2 Alianore de Montz was also known as Alienore de Crawcumbe.4

She Alienore, daughter of Joan (widow of Stephen de Somery; died c1240) and asubsequent husband of Joan's perhaps Godfrey de Crawcumbe. [Burke'sPeerage]
Note: Magna Charta Sureties has her as 'Allenore de Someri' (no parentsgiven).
He [John Lestrange] married, 1stly, between 13 October 1275 and 1 June1276, Alianore daughter and heir of Eble DE MONTZ, Constable of WindsorCastle, by Joan, widow of Godfrey DE CRAUCOMBE and before this of StephenDE SOMERY, perhaps daughter of [---] DE BECHE. She died before 14 August1282. [Complete Peerage XII/1:352-3, XIV:596]
Note: Apparently Alianore is daughter of, not the 1st (MCS), nor the 2nd(BP), but the 3rd (CP) husband of Joan de Beche. Alianore de Montz was also known as Allenore de Someri.2 Alianore de Montz was also known as Alienore de Crawcumbe.4
Child of Alianore de Montz and John 1st Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir
- John 2nd Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir+ b. 18 May 1282, d. BEF 6 FEB 1310/11
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/1:352-3, XIV:596.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 137-4.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/1:352-3.
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
Iseult (Isolda) (?)1,2,3,4,5
F, b. circa 1286, d. after 18 May 1324
Iseult (Isolda) (?) was born circa 1286 at Walton Deyville, Warwickshire, England
. She died after 18 May 1324 at Knockin, Oswestry, Shropshire, England
She BP & CP name her Iseult, with no indication of her ancestry. I havefound several references to her in soc.genealogy.medieval as Isolda orIseult de Walton, apparently based on a citation in 'Burke's Dormant &Extinct Peerages', p. 515. Given the unreliability of BxP as a source, Ibelieve that Curt is correct (below) in questioning the ancestry I hadgiven Iseult. Therefore I am removing Iseult's surname of Walton.
The following was a post-em, 7 Jul 2003, by Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemannAT yahoo.com:
Jim, consider what you’re suggesting:
John de Walton + Isabel Shirley had a son John who had a dau Iseult. John& Isabel also had a dau Maud + John V lord/baron le Strange who had a sonJohn VI lord/baron le Strange. Iseult & John IV marry. Unless there arepapal dispensation records extant, I’d think it 'shirley le strange' that1st cousins wed at this level of the peerage, though there are precedents& I'm not 'Knockyn' it. To my (limited) knowledge, no source providesIseult’s antecedents & Maude's antecedents, though cleared up in CPXIV:596, seems to me to still have questions unanswered. And what 'leBeche' about the wife of John V named Alienore de Montibus/Montz da. & h.of Eble de Montibus/Montz, Constable of Windsor Castle, by Joan, widow ofGodfrey de Craucombe & prior wife of Stephen de Somery, perhaps dau of NNde Beche? It appears she wasn't a Craucombe, but a possibly le Beche ormore precisely - ancestry unk.
Unfortunately questions & not answers...

She BP & CP name her Iseult, with no indication of her ancestry. I havefound several references to her in soc.genealogy.medieval as Isolda orIseult de Walton, apparently based on a citation in 'Burke's Dormant &Extinct Peerages', p. 515. Given the unreliability of BxP as a source, Ibelieve that Curt is correct (below) in questioning the ancestry I hadgiven Iseult. Therefore I am removing Iseult's surname of Walton.
The following was a post-em, 7 Jul 2003, by Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemannAT yahoo.com:
Jim, consider what you’re suggesting:
John de Walton + Isabel Shirley had a son John who had a dau Iseult. John& Isabel also had a dau Maud + John V lord/baron le Strange who had a sonJohn VI lord/baron le Strange. Iseult & John IV marry. Unless there arepapal dispensation records extant, I’d think it 'shirley le strange' that1st cousins wed at this level of the peerage, though there are precedents& I'm not 'Knockyn' it. To my (limited) knowledge, no source providesIseult’s antecedents & Maude's antecedents, though cleared up in CPXIV:596, seems to me to still have questions unanswered. And what 'leBeche' about the wife of John V named Alienore de Montibus/Montz da. & h.of Eble de Montibus/Montz, Constable of Windsor Castle, by Joan, widow ofGodfrey de Craucombe & prior wife of Stephen de Somery, perhaps dau of NNde Beche? It appears she wasn't a Craucombe, but a possibly le Beche ormore precisely - ancestry unk.
Unfortunately questions & not answers...
Child of Iseult (Isolda) (?) and John 2nd Baron le Strange , of Knockyn, Sir
- Eleanor le Strange+ b. c 1308, d. b 1347
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Ed Mann, 6 Dec 1998.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Colin Bevan, 18 Jan 2000.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Jeff Snavely, 14 Nov 1998.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/1:353.
Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir1,2,3,4
M, b. 8 September 1278, d. 27 July 1316
Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir was born on 8 September 1278 at Alton Castle, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England
.1,2,4 He was the son of Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir and Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley. Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir married Maud de Mortimer, daughter of Edmund 1st Baron de Mortimer , 7th Lord Wigmore and Margaret de Fiennes, on 29 July 1302 at Wigmore, Herefordshire, England
.2 Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir married Elizabeth de Clare, daughter of Gilbert de Clare , Earl Gloucester & Hertford and Joan 'of Acre' Plantagenet , Princess of England, between 4 February 1315 and 1316.1 Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir died on 27 July 1316 at age 37.1,2
Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir was also known as Theobald de Verdon. He Sir Theobald de Verdon, Knight, b. 8 Sep 1278, d. Alton 27 July 1316, 2ndLord Verdun, MP 1299-1314; m. (1) Wigmore 29 July 1302 Maud de Mortimer,d. 17 or 18 Sep 1312, daughter of Sir Edmund de Mortimer (147-4) andMargaret de Fiennes; m. (2) near Boston 4 Feb 1315/6 Elizabeth de Clare,b. Tewkesbury 16 Sep 1295, d. 4 Nov 1360, daughter of Sir Gilbert deClare (28-4) and Joan Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I, King of Englandand Eleanor of Castile. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Justiciar of Ireland. [Ancestral Roots]
THEODALD (DE VERDUN), 2nd but 1st surviving son and heir, was born 8September 1278. On the death of his brother John he was ordered by theKing, 14 July 1297, to serve overseas in his place; and he was frequentlysummoned against the Scots till 1316; knighted by the King inNorthumberland, 24 June 1298, and fought in the 2nd line at the battle ofFalkirk, 22 July following. He was summoned v.p. to Parliament from 29December 1299 to 16 October 1315, by writs directed (till his father'sdeath) Theobaldo de Verdun junior, whereby he also is held to have becomeLORD VERDUN. He had seisin of his lands, 28 September 1309; and wasJusticiar of Ireland, 30 April 1313-January 1314/5.
He married, 1stly, 29 July 1302, at Wigmore, co. Hereford, Maud, daughterof Edmund (DE MORTIMER), LORD MORTIMER, by Margaret, daughter of SirWilliam DE FENLES. She died 17 or 18 September 1312 at Alton, afterchildbirth, and was buried 9 October in Croxden Abbey. He married, 2ndly,4 February 1315/6, near Bristol (against the King's will and without hislicence), Elizabeth, widow of John DE BURGH (who died v.p. 18 June 1313;2nd but 1st surviving son and heir apparent of Richard, 2nd EARL OFULSTER [IRL], 3rd and youngest sister of the whole blood and coheir ofGilbert (DE CLARE), 7th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, daughter ofGilbert, 6th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, by his 2nd wife, Joan, 'ofAcre,' daughter of EDWARD I. He died s.p.m. 27 July 1316 at Alton, aged37, and was buried 19 September in Croxden Abbey. His widow, who hadreceived the Honor of Clare in her purparty of her brother's estates,married, 3rdly, shortly before 3 May 1317, Roger (DAMORY), 1st LORDDAMORY, who died s.p.m. 13 or 14 March 1321/2. She, who was born 16September 1295 at Tewkesbury, died 4 November 1360, aged 65. M.I. to herand her 3rd husband in St. Mary's, Ware. Will, desiring burial in theConvent of the Minoresses without Aldgate, London, dated at Clare, 25September 1355, proved 3 December 1360.
On Theobald's death the two Baronies of Verdun, supposed to have beencreated by the writs of 1295 (or 1290 and 1299, fell into abeyance,according to modern doctrine, among his 3 daughters and co-heirs, by his1st wife, Joan, Elizabeth and Margery, and his posthumous daughter andcoheir, by his 2nd wife, Isabel. [Complete Peerage XII/2:250-1,(transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(i) Joan, born 9 or 11 August 1303 at Wootton in Stanton Lacy, Salop, andbaptised in the church of Onibury, in that co., married, 1stly, 28 April1317, in the King's Chapel in Windsor Park, John de Montagu (1st son andheir apparent of William, 2nd Lord Montagu), who died s.p. and v.p.,being buried 14 August 1317 in Lincoln Cathedral. She married, 2ndly, 24February 1317/8, Thomas (de Furnivalle), Lord Furnivalle, who died 5, 7or 14 October 1339. She died 2 October 1334 at Alton, aged 31, and wasburied 7 or 8 January 1334/5 in Croxden Abbey. See FURNIVALLE. Herrepresentatives are (1956) Lord Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton andBaroness Furnivall.
ii) Elizabeth, born circa 1306, married, before 11 June 1320,Bartholomew (Burghersh), Lord Burghersh, who died 3 August 1355. She died1 May 1360. Her senior representative is (1956) Viscount Falmouth, theothers being the descendants of Anne, suo jure Countess of Warwick, wifeof Richard (Neville), Earl of Salisbury and Warwick, the 'Kingmaker.'
(iii) Margery, born and baptised 10 August 1310 at Alton, married, 1stly,before 20 February 1326/7, William (le Blount), Lord Blount, who dieds.p. shortly before 3 October 1337. She married, 2ndly, before 18 October1339, Sir Mark Husee (son and heir apparent of Henry, 2nd Lord Husee),who died v.p. shortly before 10 February 1345/6. She married, 3rdly,before 10 September 1355, as his 1st wife, Sir John de Crophull, ofBonnington, Notts, who died 3 July 1383. She died before him in or before1377. Her representatives would appear to be those of Thomas Husee, herdescendant by her 2nd marriage, living 1478.

Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir was also known as Theobald de Verdon. He Sir Theobald de Verdon, Knight, b. 8 Sep 1278, d. Alton 27 July 1316, 2ndLord Verdun, MP 1299-1314; m. (1) Wigmore 29 July 1302 Maud de Mortimer,d. 17 or 18 Sep 1312, daughter of Sir Edmund de Mortimer (147-4) andMargaret de Fiennes; m. (2) near Boston 4 Feb 1315/6 Elizabeth de Clare,b. Tewkesbury 16 Sep 1295, d. 4 Nov 1360, daughter of Sir Gilbert deClare (28-4) and Joan Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I, King of Englandand Eleanor of Castile. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Justiciar of Ireland. [Ancestral Roots]
THEODALD (DE VERDUN), 2nd but 1st surviving son and heir, was born 8September 1278. On the death of his brother John he was ordered by theKing, 14 July 1297, to serve overseas in his place; and he was frequentlysummoned against the Scots till 1316; knighted by the King inNorthumberland, 24 June 1298, and fought in the 2nd line at the battle ofFalkirk, 22 July following. He was summoned v.p. to Parliament from 29December 1299 to 16 October 1315, by writs directed (till his father'sdeath) Theobaldo de Verdun junior, whereby he also is held to have becomeLORD VERDUN. He had seisin of his lands, 28 September 1309; and wasJusticiar of Ireland, 30 April 1313-January 1314/5.
He married, 1stly, 29 July 1302, at Wigmore, co. Hereford, Maud, daughterof Edmund (DE MORTIMER), LORD MORTIMER, by Margaret, daughter of SirWilliam DE FENLES. She died 17 or 18 September 1312 at Alton, afterchildbirth, and was buried 9 October in Croxden Abbey. He married, 2ndly,4 February 1315/6, near Bristol (against the King's will and without hislicence), Elizabeth, widow of John DE BURGH (who died v.p. 18 June 1313;2nd but 1st surviving son and heir apparent of Richard, 2nd EARL OFULSTER [IRL], 3rd and youngest sister of the whole blood and coheir ofGilbert (DE CLARE), 7th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, daughter ofGilbert, 6th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, by his 2nd wife, Joan, 'ofAcre,' daughter of EDWARD I. He died s.p.m. 27 July 1316 at Alton, aged37, and was buried 19 September in Croxden Abbey. His widow, who hadreceived the Honor of Clare in her purparty of her brother's estates,married, 3rdly, shortly before 3 May 1317, Roger (DAMORY), 1st LORDDAMORY, who died s.p.m. 13 or 14 March 1321/2. She, who was born 16September 1295 at Tewkesbury, died 4 November 1360, aged 65. M.I. to herand her 3rd husband in St. Mary's, Ware. Will, desiring burial in theConvent of the Minoresses without Aldgate, London, dated at Clare, 25September 1355, proved 3 December 1360.
On Theobald's death the two Baronies of Verdun, supposed to have beencreated by the writs of 1295 (or 1290 and 1299, fell into abeyance,according to modern doctrine, among his 3 daughters and co-heirs, by his1st wife, Joan, Elizabeth and Margery, and his posthumous daughter andcoheir, by his 2nd wife, Isabel. [Complete Peerage XII/2:250-1,(transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(i) Joan, born 9 or 11 August 1303 at Wootton in Stanton Lacy, Salop, andbaptised in the church of Onibury, in that co., married, 1stly, 28 April1317, in the King's Chapel in Windsor Park, John de Montagu (1st son andheir apparent of William, 2nd Lord Montagu), who died s.p. and v.p.,being buried 14 August 1317 in Lincoln Cathedral. She married, 2ndly, 24February 1317/8, Thomas (de Furnivalle), Lord Furnivalle, who died 5, 7or 14 October 1339. She died 2 October 1334 at Alton, aged 31, and wasburied 7 or 8 January 1334/5 in Croxden Abbey. See FURNIVALLE. Herrepresentatives are (1956) Lord Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton andBaroness Furnivall.
ii) Elizabeth, born circa 1306, married, before 11 June 1320,Bartholomew (Burghersh), Lord Burghersh, who died 3 August 1355. She died1 May 1360. Her senior representative is (1956) Viscount Falmouth, theothers being the descendants of Anne, suo jure Countess of Warwick, wifeof Richard (Neville), Earl of Salisbury and Warwick, the 'Kingmaker.'
(iii) Margery, born and baptised 10 August 1310 at Alton, married, 1stly,before 20 February 1326/7, William (le Blount), Lord Blount, who dieds.p. shortly before 3 October 1337. She married, 2ndly, before 18 October1339, Sir Mark Husee (son and heir apparent of Henry, 2nd Lord Husee),who died v.p. shortly before 10 February 1345/6. She married, 3rdly,before 10 September 1355, as his 1st wife, Sir John de Crophull, ofBonnington, Notts, who died 3 July 1383. She died before him in or before1377. Her representatives would appear to be those of Thomas Husee, herdescendant by her 2nd marriage, living 1478.
Child of Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir and Elizabeth de Clare
- Isabel de Verdun+ b. bt 21 Mar 1316 - 1317, d. 25 Jul 1349
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 13-6.
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:250-1.
Maud de Mortimer1,2
F, b. circa 1285, d. BET 17 AND 18 DEC 1312
Maud de Mortimer died BET 17 AND 18 DEC 1312 at Alton Castle, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England
.1,2 She was born circa 1285 at Wigmore, Ludlow (Shrops), Herefordshire, England
. She was the daughter of Edmund 1st Baron de Mortimer , 7th Lord Wigmore and Margaret de Fiennes. Maud de Mortimer married Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir, son of Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir and Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley, on 29 July 1302 at Wigmore, Herefordshire, England
Maud de Mortimer Maud de Mortimer, d. 17 or 18 Sep 1312, daughter of Sir Edmund deMortimer (147-4) and Margaret de Fiennes. [Magna Charta Sureties]

Maud de Mortimer Maud de Mortimer, d. 17 or 18 Sep 1312, daughter of Sir Edmund deMortimer (147-4) and Margaret de Fiennes. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir1,2,3
M, b. circa 1248, d. 24 August 1309
Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir was born circa 1248 at Alton Castle, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England
.1,2,3 He was the son of Margaret de Lacy. Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir married Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley before 6 November 1276.1,2,4 Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir died on 24 August 1309 at Alton Castle, Cheadle, Staffordshire, England
.1,2,3 He was buried on 13 October 1309 at Croxden Abbey, Staffordshire, England
He Theobald de Verdon, b. c 1248, d. Alton, co. Stafford 24 Aug 1309, LordVerdun; m. bef. 6 Nov 1276 Margery. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Theobald de Verdun, b. c 1248, d. Alton, co. Stafford 24 Aug 1309, MP1289/90, 1st Lord Verdun, Constable of Ireland, Lord of Dulek; m. by 6Nov 1276 Margery (or Eleanor), heir of 1/4 hundred of Bisley, co.Gloucester. [Ancestral Roots]
THEOBALD DE VERDUN, 3rd but 1st surviving son and heir, by 1st wife, wasborn circa 1248; had livery of his father's and mother's lands, 7November and 7 December 1274; and was constantly in Ireland for the next25 years. He was one of those magnates who, having large Irish interests,granted to the King in Parliament, 19 May 1275, the export duties on wooland hides in their ports in Ireland; served in Wales, 1277, 1282 and1283; styled himself Constable of Ireland, circa 1282-84; and wassummoned, 28 June, to attend the Assembly to be held at Shrewsbury, 30September 1283. On 29 May 1290 he was one of the magnates and proceres,assembled in full Parliament, who granted an aid for the marriage of theKing's daughter; and he was summoned to Parliament from 24 June 1295 to11 June 1309, by writs directed Theobaldo de Verdun, whereby he is heldto have become LORD VERDUN. He was summoned for service against theScots, 1291-1309, excepted from that in Gascony, 1294, and summoned forservice overseas, 1297; was with the King at Norham, June 1291, when hesettled the claims to the Scottish Crown; but being involved in thequarrel between the Earls of Hereford and Gloucester, he was accused ofdivers transgressions and sentenced, Michaelmas 1291, to imprisonment andthe confiscation of Ewyas Lacy. He was, however, released on payment of500 marks and Ewyas Lacy was restored to him, 8 June 1292. His seal wasappended to the Barons' letter to the Pope, 12 February 1300/1, asDominus de Webbele.
He married, before 6 November 1276, Margery (c). He died 24 August 1309at Alton, aged about 61, and was buried 13 October in Croxden Abbey, inthat co. [Complete Peeerage XII/2:249-50, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(c) By right of his wife he held 1/4 of the hundred of Bisley, co.Gloucester.

He Theobald de Verdon, b. c 1248, d. Alton, co. Stafford 24 Aug 1309, LordVerdun; m. bef. 6 Nov 1276 Margery. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Theobald de Verdun, b. c 1248, d. Alton, co. Stafford 24 Aug 1309, MP1289/90, 1st Lord Verdun, Constable of Ireland, Lord of Dulek; m. by 6Nov 1276 Margery (or Eleanor), heir of 1/4 hundred of Bisley, co.Gloucester. [Ancestral Roots]
THEOBALD DE VERDUN, 3rd but 1st surviving son and heir, by 1st wife, wasborn circa 1248; had livery of his father's and mother's lands, 7November and 7 December 1274; and was constantly in Ireland for the next25 years. He was one of those magnates who, having large Irish interests,granted to the King in Parliament, 19 May 1275, the export duties on wooland hides in their ports in Ireland; served in Wales, 1277, 1282 and1283; styled himself Constable of Ireland, circa 1282-84; and wassummoned, 28 June, to attend the Assembly to be held at Shrewsbury, 30September 1283. On 29 May 1290 he was one of the magnates and proceres,assembled in full Parliament, who granted an aid for the marriage of theKing's daughter; and he was summoned to Parliament from 24 June 1295 to11 June 1309, by writs directed Theobaldo de Verdun, whereby he is heldto have become LORD VERDUN. He was summoned for service against theScots, 1291-1309, excepted from that in Gascony, 1294, and summoned forservice overseas, 1297; was with the King at Norham, June 1291, when hesettled the claims to the Scottish Crown; but being involved in thequarrel between the Earls of Hereford and Gloucester, he was accused ofdivers transgressions and sentenced, Michaelmas 1291, to imprisonment andthe confiscation of Ewyas Lacy. He was, however, released on payment of500 marks and Ewyas Lacy was restored to him, 8 June 1292. His seal wasappended to the Barons' letter to the Pope, 12 February 1300/1, asDominus de Webbele.
He married, before 6 November 1276, Margery (c). He died 24 August 1309at Alton, aged about 61, and was buried 13 October in Croxden Abbey, inthat co. [Complete Peeerage XII/2:249-50, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(c) By right of his wife he held 1/4 of the hundred of Bisley, co.Gloucester.
Child of Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir and Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley
- Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir+ b. 8 Sep 1278, d. 27 Jul 1316
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 13-5.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:249-50.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:50.
Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley1,2,3,4
F, b. circa 1252
Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley was born circa 1252 at Bisley, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
. She married Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir, son of Margaret de Lacy, before 6 November 1276.1,2,5
Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley Margery (or Eleanor), heiress of 1/4 hundred of Bisley, co. Gloucester.[Ancestral Roots]
He [Theobald de Verdun] married, before 6 November 1276, Margery (c). Hedied 24 August 1309 at Alton, aged about 61, and was buried 13 October inCroxden Abbey, in that co. [Complete Peeerage XII/2:249-50, (transcribedby Dave Utzinger)]
(c) By right of his wife he held 1/4 of the hundred of Bisley, co.Gloucester.
The following is a post to SGM, 11 Jan 2002, by Douglas Richardson:
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry AT msn.com)
Subject: Margery de Bohun, wife of Theobald de Verdun (Was: A New BohunDaughter Discovered)
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-01-11 15:41:47 PST
Dear Newsgroup ~
Today I had the opportunity to further research the matter of Theobald deVerdun's wife, Margery.
VCH Gloucester 11 (1976): 12 indicates about 1170, Hugh, Earl of Chester,granted the fee of Bisley, co. Gloucester to Humphrey de Bohun,son-in-law of Miles of Hereford. Humphrey was to hold the property forthe service of 3 knights fees out of the 5 owed for the fee.
VCH Gloucester 11 (1976): 1 further shows that in 1274, the Hundred Rollsshow that the hundred of Bisley was held by Peter Corbet (in right of hiswife, Joan), Tibbald le Botiler (in right of his wife, Margery), andRichard le Eyer. Half of the profits belonged to Peter, the other halfwas shared equally by Tibbald and Richard.
In 1303, a total of 2 3/4 fees in Bisley and Stroud were held from theearl of Hereford. including parts of Bisley manor, which fees were in thepossession respectively of Joan Corbet, Tibbald de Verdun, and Richard ofBisley [Reference: Feudal Aids, 2 (1900): 251].
In 1309, at Theobald de Verdun's death, it was recorded that he owned acapital messuage and lands at Bisley, co. Gloucester 'in free marriage ofthe earl of Hereford by service of rendering 1 lb. cummin yearly.'[Reference: Cal. IPM, vol. 5 (1908): 96].
The above information, taken together with the abstract of the legal caseI posted earlier today, make it clear that Theobald de Verdun's wife,Margery, was the daughter of Humphrey de Bohun, and that she had a 1/4share of the manor and hundred of Bisley, co. Gloucester in freemarriage. Also, it appears that Margery was married previously to acertain Robert de W., who evidently died prior to 1274, without maleissue. For an abstract of the legal case, see my earlier post which isshown below.
As to which Humphrey de Bohun was Margery's father, it appears that thecorrect Humphrey is the Humphrey de Bohun, born say 1230, died 1265, whomarried before 1249 Eleanor, daughter of William de Breuse, lord ofAbergavenny, by Eve, daughter of William le Marshal, Earl of Pembroke.This Humphrey was never Earl of Hereford, he having died in his father'slifetime. This would explain why Theobald de Verdun's statements referto him only as 'one Humphrey' and not as 'Humphrey, Earl of Hereford.'
It is unusual that a high born marriage for a Bohun woman should haveescaped the attention of so many people prior to this time. Thissituation appears to have been caused by the tangled history of thehundred and manor of Bisley, co. Gloucester, which properties hadmultiple owners. It is fortunate indeed that a record of Theobald deVerdun's statements regarding his wife's parentage were preserved in theYearbooks of Edward I and that his inquisition clearly show that heacquired the property at Bisley in free marriage, held under the Earls ofHereford.
Given that some 40 odd immigrants descend from Theobald de Verdun and hiswife, Margery de Bohun, this new discovery doubtless affects the ancestryof a good many people here in the newsgroup.
Best always, Douglas Richardson, Salt Lake City, Utah
E-mail: royalancestry AT msn.com. Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley was also known as Margery (Eleanor) Heiress of Bisley.

Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley Margery (or Eleanor), heiress of 1/4 hundred of Bisley, co. Gloucester.[Ancestral Roots]
He [Theobald de Verdun] married, before 6 November 1276, Margery (c). Hedied 24 August 1309 at Alton, aged about 61, and was buried 13 October inCroxden Abbey, in that co. [Complete Peeerage XII/2:249-50, (transcribedby Dave Utzinger)]
(c) By right of his wife he held 1/4 of the hundred of Bisley, co.Gloucester.
The following is a post to SGM, 11 Jan 2002, by Douglas Richardson:
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry AT msn.com)
Subject: Margery de Bohun, wife of Theobald de Verdun (Was: A New BohunDaughter Discovered)
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-01-11 15:41:47 PST
Dear Newsgroup ~
Today I had the opportunity to further research the matter of Theobald deVerdun's wife, Margery.
VCH Gloucester 11 (1976): 12 indicates about 1170, Hugh, Earl of Chester,granted the fee of Bisley, co. Gloucester to Humphrey de Bohun,son-in-law of Miles of Hereford. Humphrey was to hold the property forthe service of 3 knights fees out of the 5 owed for the fee.
VCH Gloucester 11 (1976): 1 further shows that in 1274, the Hundred Rollsshow that the hundred of Bisley was held by Peter Corbet (in right of hiswife, Joan), Tibbald le Botiler (in right of his wife, Margery), andRichard le Eyer. Half of the profits belonged to Peter, the other halfwas shared equally by Tibbald and Richard.
In 1303, a total of 2 3/4 fees in Bisley and Stroud were held from theearl of Hereford. including parts of Bisley manor, which fees were in thepossession respectively of Joan Corbet, Tibbald de Verdun, and Richard ofBisley [Reference: Feudal Aids, 2 (1900): 251].
In 1309, at Theobald de Verdun's death, it was recorded that he owned acapital messuage and lands at Bisley, co. Gloucester 'in free marriage ofthe earl of Hereford by service of rendering 1 lb. cummin yearly.'[Reference: Cal. IPM, vol. 5 (1908): 96].
The above information, taken together with the abstract of the legal caseI posted earlier today, make it clear that Theobald de Verdun's wife,Margery, was the daughter of Humphrey de Bohun, and that she had a 1/4share of the manor and hundred of Bisley, co. Gloucester in freemarriage. Also, it appears that Margery was married previously to acertain Robert de W., who evidently died prior to 1274, without maleissue. For an abstract of the legal case, see my earlier post which isshown below.
As to which Humphrey de Bohun was Margery's father, it appears that thecorrect Humphrey is the Humphrey de Bohun, born say 1230, died 1265, whomarried before 1249 Eleanor, daughter of William de Breuse, lord ofAbergavenny, by Eve, daughter of William le Marshal, Earl of Pembroke.This Humphrey was never Earl of Hereford, he having died in his father'slifetime. This would explain why Theobald de Verdun's statements referto him only as 'one Humphrey' and not as 'Humphrey, Earl of Hereford.'
It is unusual that a high born marriage for a Bohun woman should haveescaped the attention of so many people prior to this time. Thissituation appears to have been caused by the tangled history of thehundred and manor of Bisley, co. Gloucester, which properties hadmultiple owners. It is fortunate indeed that a record of Theobald deVerdun's statements regarding his wife's parentage were preserved in theYearbooks of Edward I and that his inquisition clearly show that heacquired the property at Bisley in free marriage, held under the Earls ofHereford.
Given that some 40 odd immigrants descend from Theobald de Verdun and hiswife, Margery de Bohun, this new discovery doubtless affects the ancestryof a good many people here in the newsgroup.
Best always, Douglas Richardson, Salt Lake City, Utah
E-mail: royalancestry AT msn.com. Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley was also known as Margery (Eleanor) Heiress of Bisley.
Child of Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley and Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir
- Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir+ b. 8 Sep 1278, d. 27 Jul 1316
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 13-5.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:250.
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com, online google.com, Douglas Richardson, 11 Jan 2002.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:50.
Elizabeth de Clare1,2,3,4
F, b. 14 September 1295, d. 4 November 1360
Elizabeth de Clare was born on 14 September 1295 at Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England
.1,5,3 She was the daughter of Gilbert de Clare , Earl Gloucester & Hertford and Joan 'of Acre' Plantagenet , Princess of England. Elizabeth de Clare married John de Burgh , of Ulster on 30 September 1308.1,3 Elizabeth de Clare married Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir, son of Theobald 1st Baron de Verdun , Sir and Margery (Margaret) de Bohun , Heiress of Bisley, between 4 February 1315 and 1316.1 Elizabeth de Clare married Roger 1st Baron Damory , of Bletchingdon, Sir before 3 May 1317.1,6,4 Elizabeth de Clare died on 4 November 1360 at St Mary's Ware, Hertfordshire, England
, at age 65.1,7,3,4
She Elizabeth de Clare, b. Tewkesbury 16 Sep 1295, d. 4 Nov 1360, daughter ofSir Gilbert de Clare (28-4) and Joan Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I,King of England and Eleanor of Castile. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Gloucester,daughter of Gilbert, 6th Earl and Joan of Acre [;m. (1) 30 Sep 1308 Johnde Burgh, b. c 1290, dvp 18 June 1313]. She m. (2) 4 Feb 1315/6 as (2)wife, Theobald de Verdun, Knight, Lord Verdun, b. 8 Sep 1278, d. 27 July1316; m. (3) by 3 May 1317 Roger Damory, Lord Damory, d. 13-14 Mar1321/2. She died 4 Nov 1360, age 65, leaving a will. [Ancestral Roots]
He [John de Burgh] married, 30 September 1308, at Waltham Abbey, Essex,in the King's presence, Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Gilbert (DECLARE), 7th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, 3rd and youngest daughter ofGilbert, 6th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, by his 2nd wife, Joan, 'ofAcre,' daughter of EDWARD I. Elizabeth, who was born 16 September 1295 atTewkesbury, came to Ireland, 15 October 1309. John died v.p. 18 June 1313at Galway. His widow, who received the Honor of Clare in her purparty ofher brother's estates, married, 4 February 1315/16, near Bristol, as his2nd wife, Theobald DE VERDUN [LORD VERDUN], who died 27 July followingand was buried 19 September at Croxden Abbey, Staffs. She married, 3rdly,before 3 May 1317, Roger DAMORY [LORD DAMORY], who died 13 or 14 March1321/2. She died 4 November 1360, aged 65. M.I. to her and her 3rdhusband in St. Mary's, Ware. Will, desiring burial in the Convent of theMinoresses without Aldgate, London, dated 25 September 1355, proved 3December 1360.] [Complete Peerage XII/2:177-8, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]
He [Roger Damory] married, about April (before 3 May) 1317, Elizabeth 3rdsister of the whole blood and coheir of Gilbert EARL OF GLOUCESTER ANDHERTFORD, daughter of Gilbert (DE CLARE), EARL OF GLOUCESTER ANDHERTFORD, by his 2nd wife, Joan OF ACRE, daughter of KING EDWAID I. Shehad married, 1stly, 30 September 1308, at Waltham Abbey, in the King'spresence, John DE BURGH (son and heir apparent of Richard, EARL OFULSTER), who died v.p., 18 June 1313, at Galway; and, 2ndly, as 2nd wife,4 February 1315/6, near Bristol, against the King's will and without hislicence, Sir Theo bald DE VERDUN, of Alton, co. Stafford [LORD VERDUN],who died at Alton Castle, 27 July, and was buried 19 September 1316, inCroxden Abbey. She, who had livery of her dower, 6 December 1316, had,with her 3rd husband, livery of the knights' fees and advowsons of hersaid dower, 26 June, of her dower [IRL], 26 September, and, the Kinghaving taken his fealty 22 May, of her inheritance, 15 November 1317. Hedied 13 or 14 March 1321/2, at Tutbury Castle, and was buried in St.Mary's, Ware. On 16 March his widow was imprisoned in the Abbey ofBarking, and there, under duress and fear of death for herself and herson, was forced to grant her lordships in Wales to the younger Despenserand his wife. She had livery of her inheritance in England and Ireland, 2November 1322. At Christmas following, at the instigation of the youngerDespenser, she was placed under arrest at York, till she signed a bond bywhich she undertook not to marry nor to dispose of any of her landswithout the King's licence, on pain of forfeiting all she possessed . Herlands were taken into the King's hand, 7 January 1322/3, as she had leftthe King without his licence. They were restored to her, 17 February1326/7, and the King took her homage therefore, 20 December 1327. Sheendowed University Hall, Cambridge, 8 April 1336, becoming Founderthereof, 6 April 1338. Founder (lic. 1 February 1346/7) of a House ofFriars: Minors at Walsingham, Norfolk. She, who was aged 19 or 20 at herbrother's death in 1314, died 4 November 1360, and was buried, with her3rd husband, in St. Mary's, Ware. [Complete Peerage IV:42-45,(transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

She Elizabeth de Clare, b. Tewkesbury 16 Sep 1295, d. 4 Nov 1360, daughter ofSir Gilbert de Clare (28-4) and Joan Plantagenet, daughter of Edward I,King of England and Eleanor of Castile. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Gloucester,daughter of Gilbert, 6th Earl and Joan of Acre [;m. (1) 30 Sep 1308 Johnde Burgh, b. c 1290, dvp 18 June 1313]. She m. (2) 4 Feb 1315/6 as (2)wife, Theobald de Verdun, Knight, Lord Verdun, b. 8 Sep 1278, d. 27 July1316; m. (3) by 3 May 1317 Roger Damory, Lord Damory, d. 13-14 Mar1321/2. She died 4 Nov 1360, age 65, leaving a will. [Ancestral Roots]
He [John de Burgh] married, 30 September 1308, at Waltham Abbey, Essex,in the King's presence, Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Gilbert (DECLARE), 7th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, 3rd and youngest daughter ofGilbert, 6th EARL OF GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD, by his 2nd wife, Joan, 'ofAcre,' daughter of EDWARD I. Elizabeth, who was born 16 September 1295 atTewkesbury, came to Ireland, 15 October 1309. John died v.p. 18 June 1313at Galway. His widow, who received the Honor of Clare in her purparty ofher brother's estates, married, 4 February 1315/16, near Bristol, as his2nd wife, Theobald DE VERDUN [LORD VERDUN], who died 27 July followingand was buried 19 September at Croxden Abbey, Staffs. She married, 3rdly,before 3 May 1317, Roger DAMORY [LORD DAMORY], who died 13 or 14 March1321/2. She died 4 November 1360, aged 65. M.I. to her and her 3rdhusband in St. Mary's, Ware. Will, desiring burial in the Convent of theMinoresses without Aldgate, London, dated 25 September 1355, proved 3December 1360.] [Complete Peerage XII/2:177-8, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]
He [Roger Damory] married, about April (before 3 May) 1317, Elizabeth 3rdsister of the whole blood and coheir of Gilbert EARL OF GLOUCESTER ANDHERTFORD, daughter of Gilbert (DE CLARE), EARL OF GLOUCESTER ANDHERTFORD, by his 2nd wife, Joan OF ACRE, daughter of KING EDWAID I. Shehad married, 1stly, 30 September 1308, at Waltham Abbey, in the King'spresence, John DE BURGH (son and heir apparent of Richard, EARL OFULSTER), who died v.p., 18 June 1313, at Galway; and, 2ndly, as 2nd wife,4 February 1315/6, near Bristol, against the King's will and without hislicence, Sir Theo bald DE VERDUN, of Alton, co. Stafford [LORD VERDUN],who died at Alton Castle, 27 July, and was buried 19 September 1316, inCroxden Abbey. She, who had livery of her dower, 6 December 1316, had,with her 3rd husband, livery of the knights' fees and advowsons of hersaid dower, 26 June, of her dower [IRL], 26 September, and, the Kinghaving taken his fealty 22 May, of her inheritance, 15 November 1317. Hedied 13 or 14 March 1321/2, at Tutbury Castle, and was buried in St.Mary's, Ware. On 16 March his widow was imprisoned in the Abbey ofBarking, and there, under duress and fear of death for herself and herson, was forced to grant her lordships in Wales to the younger Despenserand his wife. She had livery of her inheritance in England and Ireland, 2November 1322. At Christmas following, at the instigation of the youngerDespenser, she was placed under arrest at York, till she signed a bond bywhich she undertook not to marry nor to dispose of any of her landswithout the King's licence, on pain of forfeiting all she possessed . Herlands were taken into the King's hand, 7 January 1322/3, as she had leftthe King without his licence. They were restored to her, 17 February1326/7, and the King took her homage therefore, 20 December 1327. Sheendowed University Hall, Cambridge, 8 April 1336, becoming Founderthereof, 6 April 1338. Founder (lic. 1 February 1346/7) of a House ofFriars: Minors at Walsingham, Norfolk. She, who was aged 19 or 20 at herbrother's death in 1314, died 4 November 1360, and was buried, with her3rd husband, in St. Mary's, Ware. [Complete Peerage IV:42-45,(transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
Child of Elizabeth de Clare and John de Burgh , of Ulster
- William de Burgh , 3rd Earl of Ulster b. 13 Sep 1312, d. 6 Jun 1333
Child of Elizabeth de Clare and Theobald 2nd Baron de Verdun , MP, Sir
- Isabel de Verdun+ b. bt 21 Mar 1316 - 1317, d. 25 Jul 1349
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 40-4, 13-6.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:177-8.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, IV:42-45.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 13-6, 40-5.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 40-5.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 40-5, 13-6.