- (?), Adeline to (?), Willie
- Abbott, Schuyler B. to Boling, William M
- Boll, Rena to Coleman, William Richard
- Collett, Alexis Moriah to Dunlap, Mary J.
- Dunlap, Mildred Lee to Gallion, Albert
- Gallion, Albert T. to Gallion, Isaac M.
- Gallion, Isaac N. to Gallion, Michael
- Gallion, Miles L. to Gallion, Zella M.
- Gallyeon, Dora J. to Galyean, David
- Galyean, David Arvis to Galyean, John L.
- Galyean, John Lee to Galyean, Ruth
- Galyean, Ruth to Galyen, Orvil M.
- Galyen, Orville M. to Galyon, Hamilton
- Galyon, Hamilton to Galyon, Paul
- Galyon, Paul English to Gregory, Living
- Gresham, Alice to Hunter, Noah
- Hurley, Elizabeth M. to Lanham, Jane E.
- Lankford, Rebecca to McCall, Scott
- McCanlis, Robert to Ort, Sarah
- Ort, Sarah to Pollard, Roy
- Poole, Arthur to Sharcott, Rogina
- Sharp, ? to Stevens, Ransom
- Steward, Nora to Wardell, Willie W.
- Warner, Elmer to Zinn, Maxie R.