Walter II Seigneur d' Enghien1,2
M, b. circa 1267, d. before 1310
Walter II Seigneur d' Enghien was born circa 1267 at Enghien, Hainault, Belgium
.2 He was the son of Walter I 'Le Grand' Sire d' Enghien and Marie de Rethel , Dame de Machaut. Walter II Seigneur d' Enghien married Yolanda de Flanders, daughter of Robert III Count of Flanders and Yolanda de Burgundy , Comtesse de Nevers, on 24 July 1287.2 Walter II Seigneur d' Enghien died before 1310.2

Child of Walter II Seigneur d' Enghien and Yolanda de Flanders
- Walter III Sire d' Enghien+ b. 5 Jun 1302, d. 16 Oct 1345
Yolanda de Flanders1,2
F, b. circa 1275, d. between January 1312 and 1313
Yolanda de Flanders was born circa 1275 at Flanders
. She was the daughter of Robert III Count of Flanders and Yolanda de Burgundy , Comtesse de Nevers. Yolanda de Flanders married Walter II Seigneur d' Enghien, son of Walter I 'Le Grand' Sire d' Enghien and Marie de Rethel , Dame de Machaut, on 24 July 1287.3 Yolanda de Flanders died between January 1312 and 1313.2

Child of Yolanda de Flanders and Walter II Seigneur d' Enghien
- Walter III Sire d' Enghien+ b. 5 Jun 1302, d. 16 Oct 1345
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Dave Utzinger (UTZ), 4 Mar 2000.
- [S236] Unknown author, Leo's Genealogics Website (Leo van de Pas),, Yolande de Flanders.
- [S236] Unknown author, Leo's Genealogics Website (Leo van de Pas),, Wautier II Seigneur d' Enghien.
Catherine d' Avesnes , of Hainault
F, b. 1320, d. after 1375
Catherine d' Avesnes , of Hainault was born circa 1315 at of, Picardy, Somme, France
.1 She was born in 1320 at Hainault, Belgium
. She was the daughter of William III d' Avesnes Count of Hainault and Jeanne de Valois Countess of Hainault. Catherine d' Avesnes , of Hainault married Payne de Roet, son of Payne de Roet of Guignies, circa 1347.1 Catherine d' Avesnes , of Hainault died after 1375 at Ghent, Hainault, Belgium
She Having checked several printed sources and the general internet forinformation on the mother of Philippa and Catherine de Roet and/or thewife of Payne de Roet, I have found nothing on her identity. The onlysources for Catherine of Hainault being that person are several WorldConnect data bases-and they do not indicate a source. That does not meanthat they are wrong.
One point in favor of a connection between the Roet's Catherine ofHainault (sister of Edward III's consort Queen Philippa) is that thePayne, Philippa, and Catherine Roet were at one time or another in QueenPhilippa's household.

She Having checked several printed sources and the general internet forinformation on the mother of Philippa and Catherine de Roet and/or thewife of Payne de Roet, I have found nothing on her identity. The onlysources for Catherine of Hainault being that person are several WorldConnect data bases-and they do not indicate a source. That does not meanthat they are wrong.
One point in favor of a connection between the Roet's Catherine ofHainault (sister of Edward III's consort Queen Philippa) is that thePayne, Philippa, and Catherine Roet were at one time or another in QueenPhilippa's household.
Child of Catherine d' Avesnes , of Hainault and Payne de Roet
- Catherine de Roet+ b. 25 Nov 1350, d. 10 May 1403
- [S232] Unknown author, 6 zip files containing Monarchs.ged downloaded end 1999 by Linda Neely.
Payne de Roet of Guignies
M, b. before 1274, d. after 1322
Payne de Roet of Guignies was born before 1274 at Guignies, Hainault, Belgium
. He was the son of Gilles-Rigaud de Roeulx of Guignies. Payne de Roet of Guignies married an unknown person on 12 December 1298 at Ghent, Hainault, Belgium
. He died after 1322.

Child of Payne de Roet of Guignies
- Payne de Roet+ b. c 1315, d. 1380
Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick1,2,3,4
M, b. between 25 January 1381 and 1382, d. 30 April 1439
Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick was born between 25 January 1381 and 1382 at Salwarpe, Droitwich, Worcestershire, England
.1,4 He was the son of Thomas de Beauchamp , KG, 12th Earl of Warwick and Margaret Ferrers. Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick married Elizabeth Baroness de Berkeley , & Lisle & Teye, daughter of Thomas 5th Baron de Berkeley , MP, Sir and Margaret Baroness de Lisle, in September 1393.5 Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick married Elizabeth Baroness de Berkeley , & Lisle & Teye, daughter of Thomas 5th Baron de Berkeley , MP, Sir and Margaret Baroness de Lisle, before 5 October 1397.4 Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick married Elizabeth Baroness de Berkeley , & Lisle & Teye, daughter of Thomas 5th Baron de Berkeley , MP, Sir and Margaret Baroness de Lisle, before May 1399.3 Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick married Isabel le Despenser , Baroness Burghersh on 26 November 1423.1,6,4 Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick died on 30 April 1439 at Rouen Castle, Seine-Maritime, France
.1,4 He was buried on 4 October 1439 at Beauchamp Chapel, St Mary's, Warwickshire, England
Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick was also known as 13th Earl of Warwick , Richard de Beauchamp. He Richard de Beauchamp (son of Thomas de Beauchamp and Margaret Ferrers),13th Earl of Warwick, KG (1403); knighted 1399; fought against OwenGlendower in Wales 1403, Capt Calais Feb 1413/4, took charge of prisonersen route to Calais Sep-Oct 1415, hence (pace Shakespeare) absent at timeof Agincourt; participated, however, in successful sea Battle of Harfleur1416; also at Sieges of Caen 1417, Caudebec 1418 and Rouen Jan 1418/9,created 19 May 1419 Count of Aumale (part of Henry V's policy of creatingEnglish nobles with French titles and fiefs in English-occupied France);undertook further Sieges of Melun 1420 and Meaux 1421, also Gamaches 1422and St Valery-sur-Somme; Capt Rouen by end of Jan 1422/3; took Pontorson,Brittany 1427; beaten by French at Battle of Montargis Sep 1427; victorover French at Beauvais 1431; appointed by Henry VI Lt and Governor ofFrance and Normandy 1437; married 1st by 5 Oct 1397 Elizabeth (dspm 28Dec 1422), Baroness Berkeley, Lisle and Teyes in her own right, onlydaughter of 5th Lord (Baron) Berkeley, and had [Margaret, Eleanor, &Elizabeth]. The 13th Earl married 2nd 26 Nov 1423 Isabel, BaronessBurghersh in her own right, widow of his cousin Richard de Beuachamp,Earl of Worcester, and sister and heir of Richard le Despenser, de jureLord (Baron) Burghersh, and died 30 April 1439 (his tomb at Warwick beingjustly famous for its beauty and splendour), leaving by her [Henry, 14thEarl of Warwick, and 1st/last Duke of Warwick, dsps 11 June 1464; andAnne]. [Burke's Peerage]
RICHARD (DE BEAUCHAMP), EARL OF WARWICK, also hereditary Sheriff ofWorcestershire and Chamberlain of the Exchequer, son and heir, was born25 or 28 January 1381/2 at Salwarpe, co. Worcester, his sponsors beingRichard II and Richard le Scrope, afterwards Archbishop of York. He wasknighted, 11 October 1399, at the Coronation of Henry IV; served in Walesagainst Owen Glendower in 1402; had livery of his lands, 13 February1402/3; took part in the battle of Shrewsbury, 21 July 1403, and wasnominated K.G., probably on the following day. He was made Joint Keeper,with Lord Audley, of Brecknock Castle, 24 October 1403-19, February1403-4; was with the Prince of Wales at Worcester, June 1404; aCommissioner for the trial of Archbishop Scrope and the Earl Marshal,June 1405, receiving a grant for life of Swansea Castle and the lordshipof Gower, forfeited by the Earl Marshal, 29 August following; and was atthe siegre of Aberystwyth, September 1407. Under licence of 5 April 1408he travelled abroad for 2 years, making pilgrimages to Rome and to theHoly Land and performing notable feats of arms at Verona and elsewhere.On his return he was appointed a member of the Council, 9 May 1410, beingpresent therein, 16 June following; a Commissioner to treat with theScots, 23 May 1411; Steward of England for the Coronation of Henry V,appointed 2 April 1413, and Deputy Steward (for the Duke of Clarence) atthat of Queen Katherine, 23 February 1420/1; Commissioner to treat withBurgundy and France, 14 July 1413; Captain of Calais and Governor of theMarches of Picardy, 3 February 1413/4; joint Ambassador to the Council ofConstance and to the Emperor, 20 October 1414, and Chief Commissioner totreat with Burgundy, 7 August 1415; Chief Warden of the Marches of Walesadjoining cos. Hereford and Gloucester, 16 June 1415. Though present atthe siege of Harfleur, August-September 1415, he is said to have gone toCalais, with the Duke of Clarence, in charge of prisoners after itscapture, 22 September, and (despite Shakespeare) he did not fight atAgincourt, 24 October 1415. The following year he received the EmperorSigismund at Calais, April, and took part in the naval victory offHarfleur, 15 August 1416; Commissioner to treat with Burgundy, 5 August,and with the French Ambassadors at Calais, 31 August 1416. AccompanyingHenry V to France, July 1417, he was at the siege of Caen,August-September following, and himself besieged and captured Domfront,Apr.-July, and Caudebec, September 1418, before returning to the siege ofRouen, for whose surrender, 19 January 1418/9, he was appointed ChiefCommissioner. He was made Captain of Beauvais, 2 February 1418/9, andforced La Roche Guyon to capitulate after a 2 months' siege, 1 Mayfollowing. On 19 May 1419, while the King was at Vernon, he received agrant of the comté of Aumale, with remainder to the heirs male of hisbody, whereby he became COUNT OF AUMALE, in Normandy. For the next yearhe was continually employed in the negotiations for a truce which led tothe treaty of Troyes, 21 May, and the marriage of Henry V to Katherine ofFrance, 2 June 1420. Later he took part in the sieges of Melun,July-November 1420, and Meaux, October 1421, for whose surrender, 10 May1422, he was a Commissioner. Keeper for life of Moulton Park, co.Northampton, 20 December 1421. He himself besieged and forced thesurrender of Gamaches, 12 June 1422, and St. Valéry-sur-Somme, 4September following, and he was present at the death-bed of Henry V,30-31 August 1422, to whom he was an executor. Under Henry VI he waspresent in Council, 5 November, and was made a Councillor of Regency, 9December 1422; Captain of Rouen, before 31 January 1422/3, and again ofCalais, 10 July (as from 4 February) 1423 and 1 March 1424/5; jointGuardian of the truce with Scotland, 28 March 1424, and again in 1426 and1430. As Captain and Lieutenant General of the King and the Regent in thefield, 1426-27, he besieged and captured Pontorson, in Brittany,January-May 1427, but, with the Earl of Suffolk) was completely defeatedby the Bastard of Orleans before Montargis, 5 September following. From 1June 1428 till 19 May 1436 he was Tutor and Governor to the young King,whom he bore to Westminster Abbey for his Coronation, 6 November 1429,and whom he accompanied to France, April, for his Coronation in NotreDame, Paris, 16 December 1430. Captain of Meaux before 1 November 1430.He defeated the French in a notable skirmish near Beauvais 11 August1431; was Lieutenant in the field in the absence of the Regent, 1435; andaccompanied the Duke of Gloucester in his foray into Flanders fromCalais, August 1436. Ranger of Wychwood Forest, 21 November 1433;Constable of Bristol, 11 July 1437. He was, 16 July 1437, made LieutenantGeneral and Governor of France and Normandy, setting sail thereto, 29August, where, within 2 years' time, he died, his position being one ofgreat peril and anxiety.
He married, 1stly (covenant September 1392), before 5 October 1397,Elizabeth, de jure suo jure (according to modern doctrine) BARONESSBERKELEY, also BARONESS LISLE (of Kingston Lisle) and BARONESS TEYES,only daughter and heir of Thomas (DE BERKELEY), 5th LORD BERKELEY, byMargaret, de jure suo jure (according to modern doctrine) BARONESS LISLE(of Kingston Lisle) and BARONESS TEYES, only daughter and heir of Warin(DE LISLE), 2nd LORD LISLE (of Kingston Lisle) and LORD TEYES. She, whowas under 7 in 1392, died s.p.m. 18 December 1422 and was buried inKingswood Abbey, co. Gloucester. M.I. On her death the Baronies ofBerkeley, Lisle and Teyes fell, according to modern doctrine, intoabeyance between her 3 daughters and coheirs. He married, 2ndly, 26November 1423, at Hanley Castle, co. Worcester, Isabel, de jure suo jure(according to modern doctrine) BARONESS BURGHERSH, widow of his cousinRichard (DE BEAUCHAMP), EARL OF WORCESTER (who died s.p.m. March 1422),sister and heir of Richard (LE DESPENSER), de jure LORD BURGHERSH (whodied s.p. 7 October 1414), posthumous daughter and eventually sole heirof Thomas (LE DESPENSER), EARL OF GLOUCESTER and LORD LE DESPENSER (whowas beheaded, January 1399/1400, and afterwards attainted] by Constance,daughter of Edmund, 'of Langley,' DUKE OF YORK, 5th son of EDWARD III. Hedied 30 April 1439 at Rouen, aged 57, and was buried 4 October in St.Mary's, Warwick, being afterwards removed to the Lady Chapel (built byhis executors), where is a superb monument to him. His widow, who wasborn 26 July 1400 at Cardiff, died 27 December 1439 at the FriarsMinoresses, London, and was buried 13 January 1439/40 in TewkesburyAbbey, aged 39. M.I. [Complete Peerage XII/2:378-82, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]

Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick was also known as 13th Earl of Warwick , Richard de Beauchamp. He Richard de Beauchamp (son of Thomas de Beauchamp and Margaret Ferrers),13th Earl of Warwick, KG (1403); knighted 1399; fought against OwenGlendower in Wales 1403, Capt Calais Feb 1413/4, took charge of prisonersen route to Calais Sep-Oct 1415, hence (pace Shakespeare) absent at timeof Agincourt; participated, however, in successful sea Battle of Harfleur1416; also at Sieges of Caen 1417, Caudebec 1418 and Rouen Jan 1418/9,created 19 May 1419 Count of Aumale (part of Henry V's policy of creatingEnglish nobles with French titles and fiefs in English-occupied France);undertook further Sieges of Melun 1420 and Meaux 1421, also Gamaches 1422and St Valery-sur-Somme; Capt Rouen by end of Jan 1422/3; took Pontorson,Brittany 1427; beaten by French at Battle of Montargis Sep 1427; victorover French at Beauvais 1431; appointed by Henry VI Lt and Governor ofFrance and Normandy 1437; married 1st by 5 Oct 1397 Elizabeth (dspm 28Dec 1422), Baroness Berkeley, Lisle and Teyes in her own right, onlydaughter of 5th Lord (Baron) Berkeley, and had [Margaret, Eleanor, &Elizabeth]. The 13th Earl married 2nd 26 Nov 1423 Isabel, BaronessBurghersh in her own right, widow of his cousin Richard de Beuachamp,Earl of Worcester, and sister and heir of Richard le Despenser, de jureLord (Baron) Burghersh, and died 30 April 1439 (his tomb at Warwick beingjustly famous for its beauty and splendour), leaving by her [Henry, 14thEarl of Warwick, and 1st/last Duke of Warwick, dsps 11 June 1464; andAnne]. [Burke's Peerage]
RICHARD (DE BEAUCHAMP), EARL OF WARWICK, also hereditary Sheriff ofWorcestershire and Chamberlain of the Exchequer, son and heir, was born25 or 28 January 1381/2 at Salwarpe, co. Worcester, his sponsors beingRichard II and Richard le Scrope, afterwards Archbishop of York. He wasknighted, 11 October 1399, at the Coronation of Henry IV; served in Walesagainst Owen Glendower in 1402; had livery of his lands, 13 February1402/3; took part in the battle of Shrewsbury, 21 July 1403, and wasnominated K.G., probably on the following day. He was made Joint Keeper,with Lord Audley, of Brecknock Castle, 24 October 1403-19, February1403-4; was with the Prince of Wales at Worcester, June 1404; aCommissioner for the trial of Archbishop Scrope and the Earl Marshal,June 1405, receiving a grant for life of Swansea Castle and the lordshipof Gower, forfeited by the Earl Marshal, 29 August following; and was atthe siegre of Aberystwyth, September 1407. Under licence of 5 April 1408he travelled abroad for 2 years, making pilgrimages to Rome and to theHoly Land and performing notable feats of arms at Verona and elsewhere.On his return he was appointed a member of the Council, 9 May 1410, beingpresent therein, 16 June following; a Commissioner to treat with theScots, 23 May 1411; Steward of England for the Coronation of Henry V,appointed 2 April 1413, and Deputy Steward (for the Duke of Clarence) atthat of Queen Katherine, 23 February 1420/1; Commissioner to treat withBurgundy and France, 14 July 1413; Captain of Calais and Governor of theMarches of Picardy, 3 February 1413/4; joint Ambassador to the Council ofConstance and to the Emperor, 20 October 1414, and Chief Commissioner totreat with Burgundy, 7 August 1415; Chief Warden of the Marches of Walesadjoining cos. Hereford and Gloucester, 16 June 1415. Though present atthe siege of Harfleur, August-September 1415, he is said to have gone toCalais, with the Duke of Clarence, in charge of prisoners after itscapture, 22 September, and (despite Shakespeare) he did not fight atAgincourt, 24 October 1415. The following year he received the EmperorSigismund at Calais, April, and took part in the naval victory offHarfleur, 15 August 1416; Commissioner to treat with Burgundy, 5 August,and with the French Ambassadors at Calais, 31 August 1416. AccompanyingHenry V to France, July 1417, he was at the siege of Caen,August-September following, and himself besieged and captured Domfront,Apr.-July, and Caudebec, September 1418, before returning to the siege ofRouen, for whose surrender, 19 January 1418/9, he was appointed ChiefCommissioner. He was made Captain of Beauvais, 2 February 1418/9, andforced La Roche Guyon to capitulate after a 2 months' siege, 1 Mayfollowing. On 19 May 1419, while the King was at Vernon, he received agrant of the comté of Aumale, with remainder to the heirs male of hisbody, whereby he became COUNT OF AUMALE, in Normandy. For the next yearhe was continually employed in the negotiations for a truce which led tothe treaty of Troyes, 21 May, and the marriage of Henry V to Katherine ofFrance, 2 June 1420. Later he took part in the sieges of Melun,July-November 1420, and Meaux, October 1421, for whose surrender, 10 May1422, he was a Commissioner. Keeper for life of Moulton Park, co.Northampton, 20 December 1421. He himself besieged and forced thesurrender of Gamaches, 12 June 1422, and St. Valéry-sur-Somme, 4September following, and he was present at the death-bed of Henry V,30-31 August 1422, to whom he was an executor. Under Henry VI he waspresent in Council, 5 November, and was made a Councillor of Regency, 9December 1422; Captain of Rouen, before 31 January 1422/3, and again ofCalais, 10 July (as from 4 February) 1423 and 1 March 1424/5; jointGuardian of the truce with Scotland, 28 March 1424, and again in 1426 and1430. As Captain and Lieutenant General of the King and the Regent in thefield, 1426-27, he besieged and captured Pontorson, in Brittany,January-May 1427, but, with the Earl of Suffolk) was completely defeatedby the Bastard of Orleans before Montargis, 5 September following. From 1June 1428 till 19 May 1436 he was Tutor and Governor to the young King,whom he bore to Westminster Abbey for his Coronation, 6 November 1429,and whom he accompanied to France, April, for his Coronation in NotreDame, Paris, 16 December 1430. Captain of Meaux before 1 November 1430.He defeated the French in a notable skirmish near Beauvais 11 August1431; was Lieutenant in the field in the absence of the Regent, 1435; andaccompanied the Duke of Gloucester in his foray into Flanders fromCalais, August 1436. Ranger of Wychwood Forest, 21 November 1433;Constable of Bristol, 11 July 1437. He was, 16 July 1437, made LieutenantGeneral and Governor of France and Normandy, setting sail thereto, 29August, where, within 2 years' time, he died, his position being one ofgreat peril and anxiety.
He married, 1stly (covenant September 1392), before 5 October 1397,Elizabeth, de jure suo jure (according to modern doctrine) BARONESSBERKELEY, also BARONESS LISLE (of Kingston Lisle) and BARONESS TEYES,only daughter and heir of Thomas (DE BERKELEY), 5th LORD BERKELEY, byMargaret, de jure suo jure (according to modern doctrine) BARONESS LISLE(of Kingston Lisle) and BARONESS TEYES, only daughter and heir of Warin(DE LISLE), 2nd LORD LISLE (of Kingston Lisle) and LORD TEYES. She, whowas under 7 in 1392, died s.p.m. 18 December 1422 and was buried inKingswood Abbey, co. Gloucester. M.I. On her death the Baronies ofBerkeley, Lisle and Teyes fell, according to modern doctrine, intoabeyance between her 3 daughters and coheirs. He married, 2ndly, 26November 1423, at Hanley Castle, co. Worcester, Isabel, de jure suo jure(according to modern doctrine) BARONESS BURGHERSH, widow of his cousinRichard (DE BEAUCHAMP), EARL OF WORCESTER (who died s.p.m. March 1422),sister and heir of Richard (LE DESPENSER), de jure LORD BURGHERSH (whodied s.p. 7 October 1414), posthumous daughter and eventually sole heirof Thomas (LE DESPENSER), EARL OF GLOUCESTER and LORD LE DESPENSER (whowas beheaded, January 1399/1400, and afterwards attainted] by Constance,daughter of Edmund, 'of Langley,' DUKE OF YORK, 5th son of EDWARD III. Hedied 30 April 1439 at Rouen, aged 57, and was buried 4 October in St.Mary's, Warwick, being afterwards removed to the Lady Chapel (built byhis executors), where is a superb monument to him. His widow, who wasborn 26 July 1400 at Cardiff, died 27 December 1439 at the FriarsMinoresses, London, and was buried 13 January 1439/40 in TewkesburyAbbey, aged 39. M.I. [Complete Peerage XII/2:378-82, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]
Child of Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick and Elizabeth Baroness de Berkeley , & Lisle & Teye
- Eleanor Beauchamp+ b. 1407, d. bt 6 Mar 1466 - 1467
Child of Richard de Beauchamp , KG, 13th Earl of Warwick and Isabel le Despenser , Baroness Burghersh
- Lady Anne Beauchamp+ b. c Sep 1426, d. b 20 Sep 1492
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 80-9.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, VIII:54-5.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:378-82.
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, I:26-27.
Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir1
M, b. BEF MAR 1252/53, d. 18 July 1317
Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir was born BEF MAR 1252/53 at Ryme Intrinseca, Sherborne, Dorset, England
.1 He was the son of Robert V de Beauchamp , Lord of Hache and Alice de Mohun. Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir married Sibyl Oliver, daughter of Walter Oliver , Lord of Wambrook, before 1274.1 Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir married Alice de Orreby after 10 August 1300.1 Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir died on 18 July 1317 at Silferton Manor, Devonshire, England
He Sir Humphrey de Beauchamp, Knt., younger son, b. by Mar 1253 (adult by1274), apparently living 1316, dead 1317, lord of Ryme Intrinseca, Dorset& Oburnford, Oulescombe, Teinghervy, & Buckerell, co. Devon; m. (1) by1254 Sibyl Oliver, living 1306, daughter & heir of Walter Oliver, lord ofWambrook, Somerset, from whom divorced between 1287 & 1290; m. (2) after10 Aug 1300 Alice, d. shortly bef. 20 Oct 1317, widow of Peter Corbet.With Alice, Sir Humphrey held the manor of Silferton, co. Devon in dowerfor the term of their lives. [Ancestral Roots]
Note: I think the marriage date of 'by 1254' is an error. One year oldmarriages are pretty early, even for that day and age.

He Sir Humphrey de Beauchamp, Knt., younger son, b. by Mar 1253 (adult by1274), apparently living 1316, dead 1317, lord of Ryme Intrinseca, Dorset& Oburnford, Oulescombe, Teinghervy, & Buckerell, co. Devon; m. (1) by1254 Sibyl Oliver, living 1306, daughter & heir of Walter Oliver, lord ofWambrook, Somerset, from whom divorced between 1287 & 1290; m. (2) after10 Aug 1300 Alice, d. shortly bef. 20 Oct 1317, widow of Peter Corbet.With Alice, Sir Humphrey held the manor of Silferton, co. Devon in dowerfor the term of their lives. [Ancestral Roots]
Note: I think the marriage date of 'by 1254' is an error. One year oldmarriages are pretty early, even for that day and age.
Child of Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir and Sibyl Oliver
- Hugh de Beauchamp , of Lillesdon+ b. c 1290, d. c 1337
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
Sibyl Oliver1
F, b. circa 1260, d. after 1306
Sibyl Oliver was born circa 1260 at Wambrook, Somerset, England
. She was the daughter of Walter Oliver , Lord of Wambrook. Sibyl Oliver married Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir, son of Robert V de Beauchamp , Lord of Hache and Alice de Mohun, before 1274.1 Sibyl Oliver died after 1306.1

Child of Sibyl Oliver and Humphrey de Beauchamp , of Ryme, Sir
- Hugh de Beauchamp , of Lillesdon+ b. c 1290, d. c 1337
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
Walter Oliver , Lord of Wambrook1
M, b. circa 1230
Walter Oliver , Lord of Wambrook was born circa 1230 at Wambrook, Somerset, England
. He was the son of Jordan Oliver , Lord of Wambrook.

Child of Walter Oliver , Lord of Wambrook
- Sibyl Oliver+ b. c 1260, d. a 1306
- [S234] Frederick Lewis Weis additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition.
Jordan Oliver , Lord of Wambrook
M, b. circa 1200
Child of Jordan Oliver , Lord of Wambrook
- Walter Oliver , Lord of Wambrook+ b. c 1230
Edmund Plantagenet KG, 1st Duke of York1,2
M, b. 5 June 1341, d. 1 August 1402
Edmund Plantagenet KG, 1st Duke of York was buried at Church of Dominicans, Langley, Hertfordshire, England
. He was born on 5 June 1341 at King's Langley, Hertfordshire, England
.3,2 He was the son of Edward III Plantagenet King of England and Philippa d' Avesnes , of Hainault. Edmund Plantagenet KG, 1st Duke of York married Isabel Perez Princess of Castile & Leon, daughter of Pedro I 'Crudelis'['the Cruel'] Alfonsez and Maria Juana de Padilla, circa 1 March 1372 at Hertford
.4 Edmund Plantagenet KG, 1st Duke of York married an unknown person before 4 November 1393.4,5,6,7 He died on 1 August 1402 at King's Langley, Hertfordshire, England
, at age 61.3,2
He Edmund of Langley, 1st duke of York, also called (1362-85) EARL OFCAMBRIDGE (b. June 5, 1341, King's Langley, Hertfordshire, Eng.--d. Aug.1, 1402, King's Langley), fourth surviving legitimate son of King EdwardIII of England and founder of the House of York as a branch of thePlantagenet dynasty.
Created earl of Cambridge in 1362 and duke of York in 1385, Edmund wasthe least able of Edward III's sons, and in the political strife ofRichard II's reign he played an ineffective part. Between 1359 and 1378he served without distinction in several campaigns in France, Spain, andBrittany, and his one independent command, the Lisbon expedition of1381-82 to aid King Ferdinand of Portugal against Castile, was a failure.York was appointed keeper of the realm during Richard II's absence inIreland in 1394-95, and again on the King's departure for his secondIrish expedition in May 1399. When Henry of Lancaster (afterward KingHenry IV) invaded England (July), York tried to organize resistance, buthe soon submitted (July 27), recognizing that Richard's cause was lost.[Encyclopædia Britannica CD '97]
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EDMUND, 'of Langley,' 5th but 4th surviving son of EDWARD III, byPhilippe, daughter of William, COUNT OF HOLLAND AND HAINAULT, was born 5June 1341 at King's Langley, Herts, and baptised there by Michael, Abbotof St. Albans. On 6 August 1347 he was granted all the lands beyond Trentlate of his godfather, the Earl of Surrey. He took part in his father'scampaign in France, 1359-60, and witnessed the final form of the Treatyof Brétigny at Calais, 24 October 1360; nominated K.G. in or shortlybefore April 1361. He was created, 13 November 1362, in full Parliament,EARL OF CAMBRIDGE. Having landed with the Earl of Pembroke at St. Malo,in Brittany, in 1369, the two Earls joined the Prince of Wales atAngouléme, whence they were sent to besiege Bourdeilles andRoche-sur-Yon, both of which were captured. The following year he wentwith Pembroke to relieve Belleperche, was at the relief of Bergerac anddistinguished himself under the Black Prince at the siege and sack ofLimoges, September 1370. He was with the Duke of Lancaster at the siegeof Montpont-sur-I'Isle, January-February 1370/1, but later in that yearwas recalled to England. In August-October 1372 he sailed with the King'sabortive expedition to relieve Thouars; and he was granted for life, 23April 1373, the manor and lordship of Wark, in Tynedale. As the King'sLieutenant, with the Duke of Brittany, in France and Brittany, appointed24 November 1374, he captured St. Mathieu and St. Pol de Uon and laidsiege to St. Brieuc in 1375. He was a Commissioner to treat for peacewith France, 20 September 1375; Constable of Dover Castle and Warden ofthe Cinque Ports, 12 June 1376-1 February 1380/1; was granted, with hiswife Isabel, the castles of Fotheringhay, Northants, and Anstey, Herts,25 May 1377; Chief Commissioner for the defence of the Kentish coastagainst the French, 30 June 1377. At the Coronation of Richard II, 16July 1377, he bore the Sceptre with the Dove. He took part in his brotherLancaster's unsuccessful expedition against St. Malo in 1378; was ChiefCommissioner to treat with the ambassadors of Bohemia concerning theKing's marriage, 29 March 1381; and commanded the English troops inPortugal against the Spaniards without much fighting or success, 1381-82.While accompanying the King on his only expedition into Scotland, he wascreated, 6 August 1385, at Hoselaw, in Teviotdale, DUKE OF YORK, and wasinvested therewith, 20 October following, in Parliament, then sitting atWestminster. For the support of the Dukedom he received a grant of £1,000a year, 15 November 1385, with remainder to his heirs male. Justice ofChester and co. Flint, 28 September 1385.
On 19 November 1386 he was one of the 14 Commissioners appointed toreceive the Crown revenues for one year, who formed the Council ofRegency. Keeper of the bailiwick of the forests of Rutland andLeighfield, 4 May 1388, and (in reversion) of Hadleigh Castle, Essex, 9February 1390/1; Commissioner, with Lancaster, to treat for peace withFrance, 10 March 1393/4. During the King's absence from England he wasthree times Regent, viz., 29 September 1394-May 1395, 6 August and 27Sepyember-November 1396, and May-August 1399. Surveyor of thetemporalities of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 5 August 1396; Keeper ofMortagne-sur-la-Gironde, 24 February 1396/7, and of Freemantle Park,Hants, 12 May 1397. Though he had licence, 28 August 1397, to come toParliament with 100 men-at-arms and 200 archers for the comfort of theKing, he had no part in Gloucester's death in that year. Steward ofEngland, 20 March-August 1399. As Regent, while the King was in Ireland,he prepared to oppose the landing, in 1399, of his nephew, afterwardsHenry IV, but made his peace with him at Berkeley, 27 July. By the newKing, to whom he was P.C., he was made Master of the royal mews andfalcons, with a grant of the lordship of the Isle of Axholme, Lincs, 10October 1399.
He married, 1stly, between 1 January and 30 April 1372, it is said atHertford Castle, Isabel, sister of (his sister-in-law) Constance, DUCHESSOF LANCASTER, younger surviving daughter and coheir of PEDRO THE CRUEL,KING OF CASTILE AND LEON (1350-69), by his mistress, Maria DE PADILLA.She died 23 December 1392, aged about 37, and was buried 14 January1392/3 in the church of the Dominicans at Langley. Will dated 6 October1392 proved 6 January 1392/3. He married, 2ndly, Joan, sister and coheirof Edmund (DE HOLAND), 4th EARL OF KENT, daughter of Thomas, 2nd EARL OFKENT, by Alice, daughter of Richard (FITZALAN), 10th or 3rd EARL OFARUNDEL. He died 1 August 1402 at Langley, aged 61, and was buried therewith his 1st wife. Will dated 25 November 1400, proved at Lambeth, 6October 1402. His widow married, before 9 August 1404, as his 2nd wife,William (DE WILLOUGHBY), 5th LORD WILLOUGHBY, who died 4 December 1409,She married, 3rdly (licence 6 September 1410, to marry in the chapel ofFaxflete, co. York), as his 2nd wife, Henry (LE SCROPE), 3rd LORD SCROPE(of Masham), who died s.p. 5 August 1415, being beheaded at Southampton.She married, 4thly, between Michaelmas 1415 and 27 April 1416 (pardon formarrying without licence, 14 August following, as his 1st wife, Henry(BROMFLETE), LORD VESSY, who died s.p.m. 16 January 1468/9. She, who wassaid to be aged 36 in 1416, died s.p. 12 April 1434. [Complete PeerageXII/2:895-9, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)] He Name Suffix: 1st Duke York,K.G.,Earl Cambridge
GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt WinchBIRTH:HOUSE OF LANCASTER & YORK
TITLE: Prince of England; Duke of York
SOURCE: The Lives of the Kings and Queens of England by Antonia Fraserp.
per I, ELIZABETH by Rosalind Miles
Information provided by Randy Winch <>FromAncestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.SOURCE NOTES:
Hines, D. Spencer, Edward of WarsickAhnenreihe, posting toGEN-MEDIEVAL
4/26/97. Author address
Louda, Jiri, and Michael MacLagan, Heraldry of The Royal Families ofEurope.
New York: Clarkson Potter, 1981. Morris County Library 929.6094.
Paget, Gerald, The Lineage and Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles,Prince of
Wales. London: Charles Skilton Ltd, 1977. Nypl ARF+ 78-835.
Previte-Orton, C. W., The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History,Cambridge:
University Press, 1952.Chatham 940.1PRE.
Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigrees of Some of theEmperor
Charlemagne's Descendants. Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, 1941.
Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zurGeschichte
der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg: J.A. Stargardt, 1978-.
Wagner, Anthony, Pedigree and Progress, Essays in the Genealogical
Interpretation of History, London, Philmore, 1975. Rutgers AlexCS4.W33.
Watney, Vernon James, The Wallop Family and their Ancestry,Oxford:John
Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9.
Weis, Frederick L, Magna Charta Sureties 1215: The BaronsNamed in theMagna
Charta and Some of Their Descendants. 4th Ed. Baltimore: Gen Pub Co,1991.
Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6thEdition,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988. Data not yet checkedagainst 7th
Earl of Cambridge, Duke of York, K.G [Ref: Redlich CharlemagneDescp65, Weis AR #225]
Duke of York, K.G. [Ref: Weis MC #161]
Nov 13 1362: created Earl of Cambridge [Ref: Paget HRHCharles p24]
Aug 8 1385: Duke of York [Ref: Paget HRHCharles p24]From AncestralFile (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998. [daddy5.FTW]
Ancestral File Number: 8XHQ-N7@@S1298@@
Ancestral File Number: ES:II-84, MC:161-17
REFN: 8XHQ-N7@@S759@@@@S759@@@@S759@@@@S759@@
REFN: 3591.

He Edmund of Langley, 1st duke of York, also called (1362-85) EARL OFCAMBRIDGE (b. June 5, 1341, King's Langley, Hertfordshire, Eng.--d. Aug.1, 1402, King's Langley), fourth surviving legitimate son of King EdwardIII of England and founder of the House of York as a branch of thePlantagenet dynasty.
Created earl of Cambridge in 1362 and duke of York in 1385, Edmund wasthe least able of Edward III's sons, and in the political strife ofRichard II's reign he played an ineffective part. Between 1359 and 1378he served without distinction in several campaigns in France, Spain, andBrittany, and his one independent command, the Lisbon expedition of1381-82 to aid King Ferdinand of Portugal against Castile, was a failure.York was appointed keeper of the realm during Richard II's absence inIreland in 1394-95, and again on the King's departure for his secondIrish expedition in May 1399. When Henry of Lancaster (afterward KingHenry IV) invaded England (July), York tried to organize resistance, buthe soon submitted (July 27), recognizing that Richard's cause was lost.[Encyclopædia Britannica CD '97]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
EDMUND, 'of Langley,' 5th but 4th surviving son of EDWARD III, byPhilippe, daughter of William, COUNT OF HOLLAND AND HAINAULT, was born 5June 1341 at King's Langley, Herts, and baptised there by Michael, Abbotof St. Albans. On 6 August 1347 he was granted all the lands beyond Trentlate of his godfather, the Earl of Surrey. He took part in his father'scampaign in France, 1359-60, and witnessed the final form of the Treatyof Brétigny at Calais, 24 October 1360; nominated K.G. in or shortlybefore April 1361. He was created, 13 November 1362, in full Parliament,EARL OF CAMBRIDGE. Having landed with the Earl of Pembroke at St. Malo,in Brittany, in 1369, the two Earls joined the Prince of Wales atAngouléme, whence they were sent to besiege Bourdeilles andRoche-sur-Yon, both of which were captured. The following year he wentwith Pembroke to relieve Belleperche, was at the relief of Bergerac anddistinguished himself under the Black Prince at the siege and sack ofLimoges, September 1370. He was with the Duke of Lancaster at the siegeof Montpont-sur-I'Isle, January-February 1370/1, but later in that yearwas recalled to England. In August-October 1372 he sailed with the King'sabortive expedition to relieve Thouars; and he was granted for life, 23April 1373, the manor and lordship of Wark, in Tynedale. As the King'sLieutenant, with the Duke of Brittany, in France and Brittany, appointed24 November 1374, he captured St. Mathieu and St. Pol de Uon and laidsiege to St. Brieuc in 1375. He was a Commissioner to treat for peacewith France, 20 September 1375; Constable of Dover Castle and Warden ofthe Cinque Ports, 12 June 1376-1 February 1380/1; was granted, with hiswife Isabel, the castles of Fotheringhay, Northants, and Anstey, Herts,25 May 1377; Chief Commissioner for the defence of the Kentish coastagainst the French, 30 June 1377. At the Coronation of Richard II, 16July 1377, he bore the Sceptre with the Dove. He took part in his brotherLancaster's unsuccessful expedition against St. Malo in 1378; was ChiefCommissioner to treat with the ambassadors of Bohemia concerning theKing's marriage, 29 March 1381; and commanded the English troops inPortugal against the Spaniards without much fighting or success, 1381-82.While accompanying the King on his only expedition into Scotland, he wascreated, 6 August 1385, at Hoselaw, in Teviotdale, DUKE OF YORK, and wasinvested therewith, 20 October following, in Parliament, then sitting atWestminster. For the support of the Dukedom he received a grant of £1,000a year, 15 November 1385, with remainder to his heirs male. Justice ofChester and co. Flint, 28 September 1385.
On 19 November 1386 he was one of the 14 Commissioners appointed toreceive the Crown revenues for one year, who formed the Council ofRegency. Keeper of the bailiwick of the forests of Rutland andLeighfield, 4 May 1388, and (in reversion) of Hadleigh Castle, Essex, 9February 1390/1; Commissioner, with Lancaster, to treat for peace withFrance, 10 March 1393/4. During the King's absence from England he wasthree times Regent, viz., 29 September 1394-May 1395, 6 August and 27Sepyember-November 1396, and May-August 1399. Surveyor of thetemporalities of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 5 August 1396; Keeper ofMortagne-sur-la-Gironde, 24 February 1396/7, and of Freemantle Park,Hants, 12 May 1397. Though he had licence, 28 August 1397, to come toParliament with 100 men-at-arms and 200 archers for the comfort of theKing, he had no part in Gloucester's death in that year. Steward ofEngland, 20 March-August 1399. As Regent, while the King was in Ireland,he prepared to oppose the landing, in 1399, of his nephew, afterwardsHenry IV, but made his peace with him at Berkeley, 27 July. By the newKing, to whom he was P.C., he was made Master of the royal mews andfalcons, with a grant of the lordship of the Isle of Axholme, Lincs, 10October 1399.
He married, 1stly, between 1 January and 30 April 1372, it is said atHertford Castle, Isabel, sister of (his sister-in-law) Constance, DUCHESSOF LANCASTER, younger surviving daughter and coheir of PEDRO THE CRUEL,KING OF CASTILE AND LEON (1350-69), by his mistress, Maria DE PADILLA.She died 23 December 1392, aged about 37, and was buried 14 January1392/3 in the church of the Dominicans at Langley. Will dated 6 October1392 proved 6 January 1392/3. He married, 2ndly, Joan, sister and coheirof Edmund (DE HOLAND), 4th EARL OF KENT, daughter of Thomas, 2nd EARL OFKENT, by Alice, daughter of Richard (FITZALAN), 10th or 3rd EARL OFARUNDEL. He died 1 August 1402 at Langley, aged 61, and was buried therewith his 1st wife. Will dated 25 November 1400, proved at Lambeth, 6October 1402. His widow married, before 9 August 1404, as his 2nd wife,William (DE WILLOUGHBY), 5th LORD WILLOUGHBY, who died 4 December 1409,She married, 3rdly (licence 6 September 1410, to marry in the chapel ofFaxflete, co. York), as his 2nd wife, Henry (LE SCROPE), 3rd LORD SCROPE(of Masham), who died s.p. 5 August 1415, being beheaded at Southampton.She married, 4thly, between Michaelmas 1415 and 27 April 1416 (pardon formarrying without licence, 14 August following, as his 1st wife, Henry(BROMFLETE), LORD VESSY, who died s.p.m. 16 January 1468/9. She, who wassaid to be aged 36 in 1416, died s.p. 12 April 1434. [Complete PeerageXII/2:895-9, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)] He Name Suffix:
GEDCOM provided by Carolyn Proffitt Winch
TITLE: Prince of England; Duke of York
SOURCE: The Lives of the Kings and Queens of England by Antonia Fraserp.
per I, ELIZABETH by Rosalind Miles
Information provided by Randy Winch <>FromAncestral File (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998.SOURCE NOTES:
Hines, D. Spencer, Edward of WarsickAhnenreihe, posting toGEN-MEDIEVAL
4/26/97. Author address
Louda, Jiri, and Michael MacLagan, Heraldry of The Royal Families ofEurope.
New York: Clarkson Potter, 1981. Morris County Library 929.6094.
Paget, Gerald, The Lineage and Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles,Prince of
Wales. London: Charles Skilton Ltd, 1977. Nypl ARF+ 78-835.
Previte-Orton, C. W., The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History,Cambridge:
University Press, 1952.Chatham 940.1PRE.
Redlich, Marcellus Donald R Von, Pedigrees of Some of theEmperor
Charlemagne's Descendants. Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, 1941.
Schwennicke, Detlev, ed., Europaische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zurGeschichte
der europaischen Staaten, New Series, Marburg: J.A. Stargardt, 1978-.
Wagner, Anthony, Pedigree and Progress, Essays in the Genealogical
Interpretation of History, London, Philmore, 1975. Rutgers AlexCS4.W33.
Watney, Vernon James, The Wallop Family and their Ancestry,Oxford:John
Johnson, 1928. LDS Film#1696491 items 6-9.
Weis, Frederick L, Magna Charta Sureties 1215: The BaronsNamed in theMagna
Charta and Some of Their Descendants. 4th Ed. Baltimore: Gen Pub Co,1991.
Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists, 6thEdition,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1988. Data not yet checkedagainst 7th
Earl of Cambridge, Duke of York, K.G [Ref: Redlich CharlemagneDescp65, Weis AR #225]
Duke of York, K.G. [Ref: Weis MC #161]
Nov 13 1362: created Earl of Cambridge [Ref: Paget HRHCharles p24]
Aug 8 1385: Duke of York [Ref: Paget HRHCharles p24]From AncestralFile (TM), data as of 5 JAN 1998. [daddy5.FTW]
Ancestral File Number:
Ancestral File Number:
REFN: 8XHQ-N7@@S759@@@@S759@@@@S759@@@@S759@@
REFN: 3591.
Child of Edmund Plantagenet KG, 1st Duke of York and Isabel Perez Princess of Castile & Leon
- Richard of York Plantagenet+ b. c Sep 1376, d. 1415
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 161-17, 47-8.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:895-899.
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 161-17.
- [S242] Alice Beard, GEDCOM 'Royals of Europe' imported 7 NOV 1999 by Linda Joyce Neely.
- [S232] Unknown author, 6 zip files containing Monarchs.ged downloaded end 1999 by Linda Neely.
- [S259] Unknown author, winch.
- [S248] Unknown author, gedcom imported SEP 2002.
Elizabeth Baroness Latimer , of Corby1,2,3
F, b. between 1355 and 1357, d. 5 November 1395
Elizabeth Baroness Latimer , of Corby was buried at Guisborough Priory, North Riding Yorkshire, England
. She was born between 1355 and 1357 at Scrampston, Yorkshire, England
.3 She married John 3rd Baron de Neville , of Raby, KG, Sir, son of Ralph Neville 2nd Baron Neville Of Raby and Baroness Alice de Audley, before 9 October 1381.1,3 Elizabeth Baroness Latimer , of Corby married an unknown person after October 1391.1,2 She died on 5 November 1395 at Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England
She Elizabeth Latimer, Baroness Latimer (of Corby) in her own right (married2nd, as his 3rd wife, 4th Lord (Baron) Willoughby de Eresby and died 5Nov 1395), daughter and heiress of 4th Lord (Baron) Latimer (of Corby) ofthe Feb 1298/9 creation. [Burke's Peerage]
ELIZABETH LATIMER, according to modern doctrine suo jure BARONESSLATIMER, daughter and heir. According to her father's Inquisition postmortem she was aged 24 or 26 in 1381, and 27 or 29 according to that ofher grandmother in 1384. She married, 1stly, on or before 9 October 1381,as 2nd wife, Sir John (DE NEVILL), LORD NEVILL, of Raby. On 12 July 1384John de Nevill of Raby and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir ofWilliam de Latymere, son and heir of William de Latymere knight, theelder, had livery of the manor of Helpringham and other lands held indower by Elizabeth, widow of the elder William, lately deceased. LordNevill died 17 October 1388, leaving by Elizabeth his wife a son John anda daughter Elizabeth. His widow had assignment of dower 9 November 1388,as well as livery of her father's lands, held by her late husband in herright. She married, 2ndly, as 3rd wife, Sir Robert (DE WILLOUGHBY), LORDWILLOUGHBY, of Eresby. She died 5 November 1395, and was buried atGuisborough. On 21 January 1395/6 the escheator in Yorks was ordered todeliver to Ralph, son and heir of John de Nevill of Raby, knight, seisinof various lands, &c., held in dower by Elizabeth his widow, deceased,late wife of Robert de Wylughby, knight and on 14 February was ordered totake the fealty of the said Robert and give him livery of the manor ofDanby, &c., pertaining to him by the courtesy of England afterElizabeth's death. Lord Willoughby died 9 August 1396, holdingIselhampstead, Bucks, and some other estates in right of his late wife.[Complete Peerage VII:475-6, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
He [Robert de Willoughby] married, 3rdly, Elizabeth, de jure suo jure(according to modern doctrine) BARONESS LATIMER, widow of John (DENEVILLE), 3rd LORD NEVILLE (of Raby), daughter and heir of William (LELATIMER), 4th LORD LATIMER, by his wife Elizabeth. She died 5 November1395 and was probably buried at Spilsby (h). Will dated 18 October atEresby, directing burial at Spilsby, proved 10 November 1395 at Lincoln.He died 9 August 1396 and was buried at Spilsby. [Complete PeerageXII/2:660-1, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(h) The statement that she was buried at Guisborough, co. York, is basedon an obit, giving her date of death, taken from a Guisborough Priorycalendar. There is, however, no mention of her burial there in a list ofGuisborough, sepulcures, and it is far more likely that she was buried,in accordance with her will, at Spilsby, where her effigy appears on her2nd husband's tomb.

She Elizabeth Latimer, Baroness Latimer (of Corby) in her own right (married2nd, as his 3rd wife, 4th Lord (Baron) Willoughby de Eresby and died 5Nov 1395), daughter and heiress of 4th Lord (Baron) Latimer (of Corby) ofthe Feb 1298/9 creation. [Burke's Peerage]
ELIZABETH LATIMER, according to modern doctrine suo jure BARONESSLATIMER, daughter and heir. According to her father's Inquisition postmortem she was aged 24 or 26 in 1381, and 27 or 29 according to that ofher grandmother in 1384. She married, 1stly, on or before 9 October 1381,as 2nd wife, Sir John (DE NEVILL), LORD NEVILL, of Raby. On 12 July 1384John de Nevill of Raby and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir ofWilliam de Latymere, son and heir of William de Latymere knight, theelder, had livery of the manor of Helpringham and other lands held indower by Elizabeth, widow of the elder William, lately deceased. LordNevill died 17 October 1388, leaving by Elizabeth his wife a son John anda daughter Elizabeth. His widow had assignment of dower 9 November 1388,as well as livery of her father's lands, held by her late husband in herright. She married, 2ndly, as 3rd wife, Sir Robert (DE WILLOUGHBY), LORDWILLOUGHBY, of Eresby. She died 5 November 1395, and was buried atGuisborough. On 21 January 1395/6 the escheator in Yorks was ordered todeliver to Ralph, son and heir of John de Nevill of Raby, knight, seisinof various lands, &c., held in dower by Elizabeth his widow, deceased,late wife of Robert de Wylughby, knight and on 14 February was ordered totake the fealty of the said Robert and give him livery of the manor ofDanby, &c., pertaining to him by the courtesy of England afterElizabeth's death. Lord Willoughby died 9 August 1396, holdingIselhampstead, Bucks, and some other estates in right of his late wife.[Complete Peerage VII:475-6, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
He [Robert de Willoughby] married, 3rdly, Elizabeth, de jure suo jure(according to modern doctrine) BARONESS LATIMER, widow of John (DENEVILLE), 3rd LORD NEVILLE (of Raby), daughter and heir of William (LELATIMER), 4th LORD LATIMER, by his wife Elizabeth. She died 5 November1395 and was probably buried at Spilsby (h). Will dated 18 October atEresby, directing burial at Spilsby, proved 10 November 1395 at Lincoln.He died 9 August 1396 and was buried at Spilsby. [Complete PeerageXII/2:660-1, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(h) The statement that she was buried at Guisborough, co. York, is basedon an obit, giving her date of death, taken from a Guisborough Priorycalendar. There is, however, no mention of her burial there in a list ofGuisborough, sepulcures, and it is far more likely that she was buried,in accordance with her will, at Spilsby, where her effigy appears on her2nd husband's tomb.
- [S233] Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XII/2:660-1.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, VII:475-6.
Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers1,2,3,4
M, b. circa 1405, d. 12 August 1469
Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers married Jacquette de Luxembourg, daughter of Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol and Marguerite del Balzo, BEF 23 MAR 1436/37.3,5 Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers was born circa 1405 at Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
. He was the son of Richard Wydeville , of La Mote & Grafton, Sir and Joan Bittelsgate. Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers died on 12 August 1469 at Executed after Battle of Edgecot, Buckinghamshire, England
He Richard Woodville. d. 1469, English nobleman. He was knighted (1426) byHenry VI and acquired wealth and power by marrying (c.1436) Jacquetta ofLuxemburg, widow of John of Lancaster, duke of Bedford. He served in thewars in France and helped suppress the rebellion (1450) of Jack Cade inEngland. In the Wars of the Roses, Rivers fought for Henry VI until theLancastrian defeat at Towton (1461). He then transferred his loyalty tothe Yorkist Edward IV, to whom he gave his daughter (see Woodville,Elizabeth) in marriage in 1464. He and his family soon received extensiveroyal favors, Rivers himself becoming treasurer and then constable (1467)of England. He was created earl in 1466. The favoritism shown theWoodville faction embittered Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, whorebelled in 1469. Rivers was captured and executed after Edward’s defeatat Edgecot, [Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 2001 - online]
RICHARD WYDEVILL, son and heir, was one of those knighted at Leicester,on Palm Sunday, 19 May 1426, by Henry VI. He was retained to serve theKing in the war in France, 11 April 1433. In 1435 he was a knightbachelor in the Regent's court, and is said to have been captured by theFrench, when the English, under the Earl of Arundel, besieged Gerberoy.He was in the Earl of Suffolk's retinue in France in 1436; in 1437, chiefrider in Salsey Forest. He was with the Earl of Somerset in 1439, andtook part in the attempt to relieve Meaux. In November 1440, in lists atSmithfield, he represented England against the challenge of Pedro deVasquez, a Spanish knight. In February 1440/1, a commis sioner forcollection of a subsidy in Northants; in July he was again going toFrance. Truce was made in 1443, lasting till 1449. In 1444 he and hiswife were in the escort of Margaret of Anjou, coming to England for hermarriage. J.P. Northants, 1445 till his death. In 1446 he went twice toCalais on the King's business. As the King's knight he was created, 9 May1448, BARON and LORD DE RYVERS, in tail male (d). Between 1449 and 1459he was constantly employed, when in England, upon various commissions. InMay 1450 there was at any rate a report that he was made Constable ofEngland; in June he was one of the leaders against Cade and the Kentishrebels; K.G., 4 August, and in that month P.C. In October 1450 appointedSeneschal of Aquitaine. With a number of other government officials andmembers of the King's household, he was indicted in Kent in August 1451.In 1454 and 1455 he was joint deputy of the Duke of Somerset asLieutenant of Calais. Keeper of Rochester Castle for life, November 1457.One of the barons summoned to the Great Council held at Westminster,January 1457/8. On the outbreak of civil war, he was naturally a staunchsupporter of the King. Having been ordered to proceed to Calais againstthe Earl of Warwick, he was captured by surprise at Sandwich by Warwick'smen, January 1459/60, with his wife and eldest son. They were keptprisoners in Normandy, probably till June 1460. On 29 March 1461 he wastaken prisoner at Towton, but soon afterwards he obtained a generalpardon from Edward IV. He took part in Edward's expedition to Scotland in1462, and from 1463 till his death was a member of numerous commissions.In May 1464 the King married his daughter Elizabeth. On 4 March 1465/6 hewas appointed Treasurer of England during pleasure. On 24 May 1466 he wascreated EARL OF RYVERS. Constable of England for life, 24 August 1467,with remainder to his son Anthony. The resentment aroused by the favoursshowered on an upstart and unpopular family resulted in a rising, andLord Rivers retired with his son Sir John to Chepstow. After the Yorkistdefeat at Edgecote, Northants, they were given up to the Earl of Warwick,and executed without trial.
He married, before 23 March 1436/7, Jacquette, widow of John, DUKE OFBEDFORD (died 14 September 1435), daughter of Pierre DE LUXEMBOURG, COUNTOF ST. POL. He died, as above, 12 Aug. 1469. His widow died 30 May 1472.[Complete Peerage XI:19-22, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(d) . . . To sustain the dignity Wydevill was granted the reversion of arent of 14 l, 4, s due from the fee of Chokes to the ward of Northamptoncastle, and all fees belonging to 'Chokesfee, Bryansfe, feoda Johannis deBaiocis, Maundevyllfee, Loxingtonfee,' or the baronies (sic) of Rivers(Ripariis) and Ledet fee. The reason for the choice of the title ofRivers is undoubtedly due to a claimed descent from the Rivers [Reviers],Earls of Devon, as is shown from the arms used by the Earls. [XI:20 note(d) as corrected by XIV:549] Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers was also known as Richard Woodville , 1st Earl Rivers.

He Richard Woodville. d. 1469, English nobleman. He was knighted (1426) byHenry VI and acquired wealth and power by marrying (c.1436) Jacquetta ofLuxemburg, widow of John of Lancaster, duke of Bedford. He served in thewars in France and helped suppress the rebellion (1450) of Jack Cade inEngland. In the Wars of the Roses, Rivers fought for Henry VI until theLancastrian defeat at Towton (1461). He then transferred his loyalty tothe Yorkist Edward IV, to whom he gave his daughter (see Woodville,Elizabeth) in marriage in 1464. He and his family soon received extensiveroyal favors, Rivers himself becoming treasurer and then constable (1467)of England. He was created earl in 1466. The favoritism shown theWoodville faction embittered Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, whorebelled in 1469. Rivers was captured and executed after Edward’s defeatat Edgecot, [Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 2001 - online]
RICHARD WYDEVILL, son and heir, was one of those knighted at Leicester,on Palm Sunday, 19 May 1426, by Henry VI. He was retained to serve theKing in the war in France, 11 April 1433. In 1435 he was a knightbachelor in the Regent's court, and is said to have been captured by theFrench, when the English, under the Earl of Arundel, besieged Gerberoy.He was in the Earl of Suffolk's retinue in France in 1436; in 1437, chiefrider in Salsey Forest. He was with the Earl of Somerset in 1439, andtook part in the attempt to relieve Meaux. In November 1440, in lists atSmithfield, he represented England against the challenge of Pedro deVasquez, a Spanish knight. In February 1440/1, a commis sioner forcollection of a subsidy in Northants; in July he was again going toFrance. Truce was made in 1443, lasting till 1449. In 1444 he and hiswife were in the escort of Margaret of Anjou, coming to England for hermarriage. J.P. Northants, 1445 till his death. In 1446 he went twice toCalais on the King's business. As the King's knight he was created, 9 May1448, BARON and LORD DE RYVERS, in tail male (d). Between 1449 and 1459he was constantly employed, when in England, upon various commissions. InMay 1450 there was at any rate a report that he was made Constable ofEngland; in June he was one of the leaders against Cade and the Kentishrebels; K.G., 4 August, and in that month P.C. In October 1450 appointedSeneschal of Aquitaine. With a number of other government officials andmembers of the King's household, he was indicted in Kent in August 1451.In 1454 and 1455 he was joint deputy of the Duke of Somerset asLieutenant of Calais. Keeper of Rochester Castle for life, November 1457.One of the barons summoned to the Great Council held at Westminster,January 1457/8. On the outbreak of civil war, he was naturally a staunchsupporter of the King. Having been ordered to proceed to Calais againstthe Earl of Warwick, he was captured by surprise at Sandwich by Warwick'smen, January 1459/60, with his wife and eldest son. They were keptprisoners in Normandy, probably till June 1460. On 29 March 1461 he wastaken prisoner at Towton, but soon afterwards he obtained a generalpardon from Edward IV. He took part in Edward's expedition to Scotland in1462, and from 1463 till his death was a member of numerous commissions.In May 1464 the King married his daughter Elizabeth. On 4 March 1465/6 hewas appointed Treasurer of England during pleasure. On 24 May 1466 he wascreated EARL OF RYVERS. Constable of England for life, 24 August 1467,with remainder to his son Anthony. The resentment aroused by the favoursshowered on an upstart and unpopular family resulted in a rising, andLord Rivers retired with his son Sir John to Chepstow. After the Yorkistdefeat at Edgecote, Northants, they were given up to the Earl of Warwick,and executed without trial.
He married, before 23 March 1436/7, Jacquette, widow of John, DUKE OFBEDFORD (died 14 September 1435), daughter of Pierre DE LUXEMBOURG, COUNTOF ST. POL. He died, as above, 12 Aug. 1469. His widow died 30 May 1472.[Complete Peerage XI:19-22, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(d) . . . To sustain the dignity Wydevill was granted the reversion of arent of 14 l, 4, s due from the fee of Chokes to the ward of Northamptoncastle, and all fees belonging to 'Chokesfee, Bryansfe, feoda Johannis deBaiocis, Maundevyllfee, Loxingtonfee,' or the baronies (sic) of Rivers(Ripariis) and Ledet fee. The reason for the choice of the title ofRivers is undoubtedly due to a claimed descent from the Rivers [Reviers],Earls of Devon, as is shown from the arms used by the Earls. [XI:20 note(d) as corrected by XIV:549] Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers was also known as Richard Woodville , 1st Earl Rivers.
Child of Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers and Jacquette de Luxembourg
- Catherine Wydeville+ b. 4 Aug 1458, d. 18 May 1497
- [S239] Unknown author, Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 161-20.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, IV:208, VII:489.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 3.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XI:19-22.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XI:21-2.
- [S269] G. E Cokayne, Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, XI;19-22.
Jacquette de Luxembourg1,2,3
F, b. 1415, d. 30 May 1472
Jacquette de Luxembourg married Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers, son of Richard Wydeville , of La Mote & Grafton, Sir and Joan Bittelsgate, BEF 23 MAR 1436/37.1,2 Jacquette de Luxembourg was born in 1415 at St Pol, Artois/Pas-de-Calais, France
.1,3 She was the daughter of Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol and Marguerite del Balzo. Jacquette de Luxembourg married John Plantagenet , 1st Duke of Bedford on 20 April 1433.3 Jacquette de Luxembourg died on 30 May 1472.1,2
She He [Richard Wydevill] married, before 23 March 1436/7, Jacquette, widowof John, DUKE OF BEDFORD (died 14 September 1435), daughter of Pierre DELUXEMBOURG, COUNT OF ST. POL. He died, as above, 12 Aug. 1469. His widowdied 30 May 1472. [Complete Peerage XI:19-22, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]
He [John, Duke of Bedford] married, 2ndly, 20 April 1433, at Therouenne,Jacquette, or Jacqueline, daughter of Pierre DE LUXEMBOURG COUNT OF ST.POL, by Marguerite, daughter of Francesco del Balzo, DUKE OF ANDRIA inApulia, she being then aged about 17. He died s.p.s., 15 September 1435,at his residence, ' Joyeux Repos,' at Rouen, aged 46, when all hishonours became extinct. He was buried at Rouen. M.I. His widow in(1435-36), was one of the Ladies for whom robes of the Order of theGarter were provided. She married, between 6 February 1435/6 and 23 March1436/7, when she had pardon for marriage without license, Sir RichardWIDVILLE, afterwards EARL RIVERS (beheaded 1469), and died his widow, 30May 1472, having lived ten years after her daughter Elizabeth had becomeQueen Consort to Edward IV. [Complete Peerage II:70-72, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]

She He [Richard Wydevill] married, before 23 March 1436/7, Jacquette, widowof John, DUKE OF BEDFORD (died 14 September 1435), daughter of Pierre DELUXEMBOURG, COUNT OF ST. POL. He died, as above, 12 Aug. 1469. His widowdied 30 May 1472. [Complete Peerage XI:19-22, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]
He [John, Duke of Bedford] married, 2ndly, 20 April 1433, at Therouenne,Jacquette, or Jacqueline, daughter of Pierre DE LUXEMBOURG COUNT OF ST.POL, by Marguerite, daughter of Francesco del Balzo, DUKE OF ANDRIA inApulia, she being then aged about 17. He died s.p.s., 15 September 1435,at his residence, ' Joyeux Repos,' at Rouen, aged 46, when all hishonours became extinct. He was buried at Rouen. M.I. His widow in(1435-36), was one of the Ladies for whom robes of the Order of theGarter were provided. She married, between 6 February 1435/6 and 23 March1436/7, when she had pardon for marriage without license, Sir RichardWIDVILLE, afterwards EARL RIVERS (beheaded 1469), and died his widow, 30May 1472, having lived ten years after her daughter Elizabeth had becomeQueen Consort to Edward IV. [Complete Peerage II:70-72, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]
Child of Jacquette de Luxembourg and Richard Wydeville , 1st Earl Rivers
- Catherine Wydeville+ b. 4 Aug 1458, d. 18 May 1497
Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol1,2
M, b. 1390, d. 31 August 1433
Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol was born in 1390 at Naples, Italy
.3 He was the son of Jean II de Luxembourg , Sire de Beauvoir and Marguerite d' Enghien , Comtesse de Brienne. Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol married Marguerite del Balzo, daughter of Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria and Justine (Sueva) des Ursins, on 8 May 1405.1 Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol died on 31 August 1433 at Chateau Rambures, Oisemont, France

Child of Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol and Marguerite del Balzo
- Jacquette de Luxembourg+ b. 1415, d. 30 May 1472
Marguerite del Balzo1,2
F, b. 1394, d. 15 November 1469
Marguerite del Balzo was born in 1394 at Andria, Apulia, Italy
.1 She was the daughter of Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria and Justine (Sueva) des Ursins. Marguerite del Balzo married Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol, son of Jean II de Luxembourg , Sire de Beauvoir and Marguerite d' Enghien , Comtesse de Brienne, on 8 May 1405.1 Marguerite del Balzo died on 15 November 1469.1,3
Marguerite del Balzo was also known as Marguerite de Baux.

Marguerite del Balzo was also known as Marguerite de Baux.
Child of Marguerite del Balzo and Pierre I de Luxembourg , Comte de St Pol
- Jacquette de Luxembourg+ b. 1415, d. 30 May 1472
Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria1,2
M, b. circa 1329, d. 23 April 1422
Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria was born circa 1329 at Andria, Apulia, Italy
.3 He was the son of Bertrand de Baux , 3rd Comte d'Andria and Marguerite d' Aulnay. Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria married Justine (Sueva) des Ursins, daughter of Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola and Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran, in 1381.1 Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria died in 1404.1 He died on 23 April 1422 at Church of Andria, Apulia, Italy
Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria was also known as Francois de Baux , Duke d'Andria.

Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria was also known as Francois de Baux , Duke d'Andria.
Child of Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria and Justine (Sueva) des Ursins
- Marguerite del Balzo+ b. 1394, d. 15 Nov 1469
Justine (Sueva) des Ursins1
F, b. circa 1360, d. after 1422
Justine (Sueva) des Ursins was born circa 1360 at Nola, Naples, Italy
. She was the daughter of Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola and Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran. Justine (Sueva) des Ursins married Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria, son of Bertrand de Baux , 3rd Comte d'Andria and Marguerite d' Aulnay, in 1381.1 Justine (Sueva) des Ursins died after 1422.2
Justine (Sueva) des Ursins was also known as Giustina degli Orsini-Nola.

Justine (Sueva) des Ursins was also known as Giustina degli Orsini-Nola.
Child of Justine (Sueva) des Ursins and Francesco del Balzo , Duke d'Andria
- Marguerite del Balzo+ b. 1394, d. 15 Nov 1469
Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola1,2
M, b. 27 August 1331, d. between 14 February 1398 and 1399
Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola married Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran, daughter of Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano and Francesca di Celano.3 Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola was born on 27 August 1331 at Nola, Naples, Italy
.1,2 He was the son of Roberto Orsini , Conte di Nola and Sueva de Baux. Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola died between 14 February 1398 and 1399.1,4
He Senator of Rome 1358. [Turton] Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola was also known as Nicholas des Ursins , Conte Nola, Roman Senator.

He Senator of Rome 1358. [Turton] Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola was also known as Nicholas des Ursins , Conte Nola, Roman Senator.
Child of Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola and Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran
- Justine (Sueva) des Ursins+ b. c 1360, d. a 1422
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Dave Utzinger (UTZ), 4 Mar 2000.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 224.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 224-225.
- [S270] William Henry Turton, The Plantagenet Ancestry, 1399.
Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran1,2
F, b. circa 1335, d. after 1378
Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran married Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola, son of Roberto Orsini , Conte di Nola and Sueva de Baux.3 Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran was born circa 1335 at Ariano, Naples, Italy
. She was the daughter of Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano and Francesca di Celano. Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran died after 1378.1,2

Child of Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran and Niccolo Orsini , Conte di Nola
- Justine (Sueva) des Ursins+ b. c 1360, d. a 1422
Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano1
M, b. circa 1300, d. 8 October 1353
Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano was born circa 1300 at Ariano, Naples, Italy
. He was the son of Ermengaud II de Sabran , Conte di Ariano and Alix des Baux. Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano married Francesca di Celano, daughter of Tomasso Conte di Celano and Isabella di Aquaviva, before 20 June 1323.1 Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano died on 8 October 1353.1

Child of Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano and Francesca di Celano
- Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran+ b. c 1335, d. a 1378
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Dave Utzinger (UTZ), 4 Mar 2000.
Francesca di Celano1
F, b. circa 1310, d. before 7 April 1379
Francesca di Celano was born circa 1310 at Celano, Rome, Italy
. She was the daughter of Tomasso Conte di Celano and Isabella di Aquaviva. Francesca di Celano married Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano, son of Ermengaud II de Sabran , Conte di Ariano and Alix des Baux, before 20 June 1323.1 Francesca di Celano died before 7 April 1379.1

Child of Francesca di Celano and Guillaume de Sabran , Conte di Ariano
- Jeanne (Gorizia) de Sabran+ b. c 1335, d. a 1378
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Dave Utzinger (UTZ), 4 Mar 2000.
Tomasso Conte di Celano1
M, b. circa 1280
Tomasso Conte di Celano was born circa 1280 at Celano, Rome, Italy
.2 He was the son of Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano and Maria di Aquino.

Child of Tomasso Conte di Celano and Isabella di Aquaviva
- Francesca di Celano+ b. c 1310, d. b 7 Apr 1379
Isabella di Aquaviva1
F, b. circa 1285
Isabella di Aquaviva was born circa 1285 at Italy
. She was the daughter of Matteo di Aquaviva and Imperatrice d' Arce.

Child of Isabella di Aquaviva and Tomasso Conte di Celano
- Francesca di Celano+ b. c 1310, d. b 7 Apr 1379
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Dave Utzinger (UTZ), 4 Mar 2000.
Matteo di Aquaviva1
M, b. 1255, d. 1303
Matteo di Aquaviva was born in 1255 at Italy
. He was the son of Gaultieri di Aquaviva and Isabella di Bellante. Matteo di Aquaviva died in 1303 at Teramo, Italy

Child of Matteo di Aquaviva and Imperatrice d' Arce
- Isabella di Aquaviva+ b. c 1285
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Richard Borthwick, 22 Jul 2000.
Imperatrice d' Arce1
F, b. circa 1260, d. after 1309
Imperatrice d' Arce was born circa 1260 at Italy
. She was the daughter of Campli Seigneur d' Arce. Imperatrice d' Arce died after 1309.1

Child of Imperatrice d' Arce and Matteo di Aquaviva
- Isabella di Aquaviva+ b. c 1285
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Richard Borthwick, 22 Jul 2000.
Campli Seigneur d' Arce
M, b. circa 1200
Child of Campli Seigneur d' Arce
- Imperatrice d' Arce+ b. c 1260, d. a 1309
Gaultieri di Aquaviva1
M, b. circa 1220, d. 1289
Child of Gaultieri di Aquaviva and Isabella di Bellante
- Matteo di Aquaviva+ b. 1255, d. 1303
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Richard Borthwick, 22 Jul 2000.
Isabella di Bellante1
F, b. circa 1230
Child of Isabella di Bellante and Gaultieri di Aquaviva
- Matteo di Aquaviva+ b. 1255, d. 1303
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Richard Borthwick, 22 Jul 2000.
Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano1
M, b. circa 1215, d. December 1282
Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano was born circa 1215 at Celano, Rome, Italy
. He was the son of Tomaso Conte di Celano and Guiditta di Molise. Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano married Maria di Aquino, daughter of Adenolfo VI Conte d' Aquino and Fior-delle-Altre (Flos-Aliarum) di Falluca, on 16 June 1279.1 Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano died in December 1282.1

Child of Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano and Maria di Aquino
- Tomasso Conte di Celano+ b. c 1280
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Richard Borthwick, 22 Jul 2000.
Maria di Aquino1
F, b. circa 1255, d. after 1283
Maria di Aquino was born circa 1255 at Roccasecca Castle, Monte Cassino, Naples, Italy
. She was the daughter of Adenolfo VI Conte d' Aquino and Fior-delle-Altre (Flos-Aliarum) di Falluca. Maria di Aquino married Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano, son of Tomaso Conte di Celano and Guiditta di Molise, on 16 June 1279.1 Maria di Aquino died after 1283.1

Child of Maria di Aquino and Ruggero (Roger) Conte di Celano
- Tomasso Conte di Celano+ b. c 1280
- [S235] Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, online, Richard Borthwick, 22 Jul 2000.